The Crucial Role of a Website: Conveying Messages and Converting Visitors | Interview with Lee Eliav from Percent Pledge

The Crucial Role of a Website Conveying Messages and Converting Visitors Interview with Lee Eliav from Percent Pledge


The significance of philanthropy and giving back has become more than just a noble gesture; it has transformed into a crucial element of corporate responsibility, shaping companies as influential agents of positive change. Lee Eliav, VP of Marketing joins us to discuss Percent Pledge, an all-in-one corporate social responsibility (CSR) solution. Lee explains that Percent Pledge offers a platform and services to automate corporate giving, matching donations, employee giving, and volunteer programs. They also provide consulting and custom event services to help companies make a positive impact in the world. While Percent Pledge works with various industries, they have observed particular interest from technology, finance, and healthcare companies. Lee highlights the importance of content in their marketing strategy, creating resources that assist HR teams and promote vetted nonprofits. The website plays a critical role in conveying their message and converting visitors into customers. As the VP of Marketing, Lee discusses the challenges of managing priorities and employs Agile methodologies to focus on short-term goals and make tangible progress. They emphasize the value of data and feedback, using a minimum viable product (MVP) approach to validate ideas and pivot if necessary.

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