Simplifying Access: Improving User-Friendliness and Information Accessibility | Interview with Phan Hong Van from Sharesource

Simplifying Access Improving User-Friendliness and Information Accessibility Interview with Phan Hong Van from Sharesource


Embracing the concept of global remote teams has become a game-changer for businesses worldwide. But ensuring those teams are built with intention is even more critical. Sharesource builds remote teams for innovative, disruptive businesses. Van Phan, Americas Growth Manager, discusses their mission to partner with tech-focused businesses in Australia, the UK, and Canada to help them find and support talent from developing countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Nicaragua. They emphasize that their approach is not traditional recruitment but rather a process of seeking talent, providing remote team support, and offering training and coaching to ensure the success of these team members. Their various marketing channels, include LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, with an upcoming website update to enhance user-friendliness and information accessibility. The importance of personal interaction and building trust is highlighted. Additionally, they are working on showcasing their successful client relationships on their website to illustrate the positive impact on businesses they’ve served.

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