Tailoring the Website Experience: Supporting Diverse Buyer Persona Journeys | Interview with Ashley Levesque from Banzai

Tailoring the Website Experience Supporting Diverse Buyer Persona Journeys Interview with Ashley Levesque from Banzai


Having powerful data is good but turning that data into insights is truly powerful. Banzai aims to provide tools for marketers to prove and improve the value of their marketing campaigns. Ashley Levesqu, the VP of Marketing, discusses the challenges faced by marketers in proving the ROI of their campaigns. She explains that the problem lies not in a lack of data but in the lack of a cohesive data source and actionable insights. They target marketers in the annual revenue range of $10 million and above, who face resource constraints and are responsible for executing and reporting on multiple marketing channels. The website plays a crucial role in the buyer’s journey and go-to-market strategy. They provide both thought-leadership and evaluation-focused content that supports diverse buyer persona journeys. Interactive demos are highly valued during the evaluation stage, allowing visitors to test the product without any friction. While free trials and the option to book demos with the sales team, cater to enterprise businesses with longer sales cycles and specific vendor requirements. Ashley emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement through A/B testing while recognizing the need to implement changes once they have been thoroughly tested and validated. While the entire buying journey can occur on the website, there are also additional on-ramps and off-ramps to support customers at various stages of their decision-making process.

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Growth Marketers in the show focus mostly on one of the three big problems. Increasing the amount of leads, reducing the customer acquisition cost or improving the lead quality – that’s why they are in growth at the first place. Reports from Gartner & real experience from our guests show that >70% of the buying journey is happening online while the competition for leads online is increasing.

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