How Micro-Moments Can Improve Buyer Experience and ROI

How Micro-Moments Can Improve Buyer Experience and ROI In Article
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About 91 percent of smartphone users look up information while doing another task. These little micro-moments, in which they gather information, can help promote your brand by offering the solutions that potential customers need. 

With our world being so digital—and so mobile—people are constantly looking things up to further their knowledge, even when they want to buy something. Tailoring your content to these micro-moments can lead you toward a better buyer experience and, therefore, a better ROI. 

What are Micro-Moments?

A micro-moment occurs when a consumer has an instant spark that summons them to look something up on a device. In the age where access to knowledge is limitless and more convenient than ever, consumers often find themselves looking up something to get an answer in seconds. 

Almost any person is subject to reflexively taking out their mobile device—no matter where they are—and looking up information about doing something or buying something. It is within human nature to be curious. Now that we have pocket-sized machines with endless knowledge, it has become human nature to unlock the device and absorb more knowledge. 

There are three main types when it comes to identifying the different types of consumers who are susceptible to micro-moments.

The well-informed consumer uses technology and search engine tools to their advantage. Before making a decision about spending money, they have often completed plenty of research about what it is they are going to buy. About 88 percent of consumers research what they buy before purchasing a product either online or in person. Additionally, they often want answers fast, making micro-moments more important than ever. 

The urgent consumer uses their technology to specifically find something they are looking for within a matter of seconds. They use their Google searches to lay out what it is they desire. In the past few years, there has been a 150 percent increase in searches containing the phrase “near me now.” While consumers become pickier about their purchases, businesses need to be as clear and descriptive as possible. 

The picky customer is one who is looking for a specific product according to their standards. They use technology to look at products using the lens of search-engine-optimized keywords. As a small business owner, it is important you layout your products online in a way that is easy to find and easy to differentiate itself. 

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The Journey a Consumer Takes Before Making a Purchase Decision

Micro-moments are influential because they allow consumers to answer their questions in a matter of seconds. These moments are when they have the most interest in something spontaneously; it is the businesses’ job to maintain that interest in order to conduct a sale. 

The first part of the journey a consumer takes usually begins with a micro-moment. Maybe something sparked in them, causing the consumer to realize they need or want something. This is where first impressions are key. 

The second part of the journey is when they consider the product found and compare it with other similar products. This is where the “well-informed” consumer makes their play. 

The third part of the journey is when the consumer finalizes their decision and completes their purchase. Ensuring that the transaction is just as seamless as their decision process is critical because you can always make a new consumer a loyal customer. 

Why Micro-Moments are Important

Mobile devices and being travel-friendly has changed the way consumers buy and, therefore, the way businesses sell. Anyone can take a few seconds with their smartphone to look up a piece of information and get the answer almost immediately. This method of gaining knowledge has transferred over into the way buyers purchase a product. 

The immediacy of society has transformed the way we do business. As almost everyone is connected via mobile devices, the transaction process of money and product has been influenced by an online presence. 

Micro-moments are, essentially, when the consumer is most inspired. This is the moment when they are most interested and most determined to buy something. These moments are important because they allow every business to make a good first impression and maintain consumer interest in its product. 

Why Micro-Moments are Important​

How to Identify Micro-Moments

Identifying micro-moments is the best way to understand how your business can throw its name in the ring. You want your business to be among other quality considerations for a product, so learning how to identify micro-moments is key. 

You can identify micro-moments based on the times of need for a consumer. The goal for brands and micro-moments is to present the tools the customer needs at the time they need them. Potential customers often have needs spark when they are learning, studying, completing a task, or looking to buy something. This is where your brand comes in and offers all the necessary components needed to spark a deeper interest and a stronger relationship.

An example of brands taking advantage of micro-moments is having a program or application that allows them to interact directly. A restaurant that uses micro-moments to its advantage may have an app or website that allows people to order food and set a pick-up time. Therefore, when a customer is doing something else and has that spark, they can use this time to get what they want, and when they want it. 

How to Make the Most of Micro-Moments

There are plenty of businesses that have already recognized the advantages of micro-moments. However, of the most common questions that still surfaces—how can you make the most of these moments?

When conducting business, buyer experience is the top priority. When a customer has an enjoyable or seamless encounter with your business, they can turn into a loyal customer and also spread word-of-mouth advertising, which is great for you!

One of the best ways of putting forth a quality customer experience is through personalization. Today, consumers are attracted to personalized content that appeals to them. This leads them to think that your brand knows them, understands them, and has what they need conveniently. 

Using market data, email marketing, and SEO content can make your user experience more gratifying and enjoyable. Additionally, having software that remembers your website’s customer information makes the experience much more seamless and, therefore, enjoyable. 

How to Design a Website for Micro-Moments

With these split-second micro-moments, consumers feel the need to do one of the following: know something, do something, buy something, or go somewhere. You can use this information to tailor your content and services—through your website—to improve buyer experience and overall ROI. 

Look at Data for Optimization

First, before you get to designing, you need to look at the data. Within the numbers, you can formulate predictions about your consumers and make more personalized content that speaks to the majority. If you already have a website, look to see where most people are spending their time. What do people seem to be most interested in? Then, use the numbers to optimize the content. 

Be Informational

To appease the “well-informed” consumer, you should consider adding relevant content that tailors to those people who look for something to learn during their micro-moments. Before buying something, most people do some research and often compare it to other similar products. Thus, why is yours the best?

Insert informational pages that detail the components of your different products and why they are considered the best. This subtly drives consumers to rank your product higher than others without explicitly saying, “my product is the best.” Instead, it is disguised as informational and helpful. 

Be Straight to the Point

While, of course, you want to provide plenty of information for your consumers, you also need to consider convenience. During micro-moments, people want an answer or a response in seconds. Don’t make it difficult for the consumer to understand your product while scrolling through your website. 

On the first page, try to make your service as clear as possible. Layout—in a simple and visually appealing manner—how your product or service works and how it can conveniently serve the customer. Making content that engages the customer also motivates them to stick with your brand. 

Have Instant Solutions

Micro-moments highlight that people, including consumers, want something quickly. Just as they want answers quickly, they also want solutions quickly. Within your website, mentioning the hour at which you operate or offer assistance can enhance the consumer’s overall experience. It allows them to gather the information they were looking for at a timely pace and directs them to information that leads to interaction with your brand. 


Micro-moments have a significant impact on the way business is done nowadays. Within a matter of seconds, consumers are getting more information and completing transactions. Many bigger brands are using these tiny occasions of research to their advantage, optimizing their content and making their services more convenient.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to adjust your website to bring in more customers as they continue to experience the spark of micro-moments. Therefore, take advantage of consumer interest and build your brand’s user experience and ROI.

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