Target Buyer Personas by Showcasing Results | Interview with Gregor Noltes from Aimforthemoon


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The idea of landing on the moon over 50 years ago must have seemed impossible and beyond the reach of any human. Despite the challenges faced and the odds stacked against them, they persevered to ultimate success, entering the history books. Aimforthemoon are an innovation studio ready to pilot your business models with an entrepreneur mindset. They encourage you to take the leap and aim for the moon to make a difference and change the world with your business.

We spoke to Gregor Noltes, who is the marketing lead and a self-developed entrepreneur who knows what it takes to innovate and scale. As Gregor works to grow and expose the business he delves further into understanding their buyer personas. As these buyer personas are innovators they are result-driven. To target and reach this clientele Gregor aims to build trust by showcasing real results through unique case studies.

As they stand out in their unique people-driven approach Gregor wants those case studies to be equally unique to their buyer personas. With a website that is refreshing and engaging and an esteemed reputation, they are working with people to change the way they build ventures. Gregor is jumping on board the rocket to develop their website further and improve the targeting of buyer personas. With a friendly and brave team, get on board for result-driven innovation. Houston, we have landed.