Cloudlead Increased +24% Demos Booked with Pathmonk

B2B SaaS
Demos Booked

+ 1 %
Website Conversions

Cloudlead is a B2B data company based in the USA. Established in 2015, the company focuses on providing sales and marketing professionals with superior, human-verified data to power their initiatives. 

The Challenge: Time-Consuming Chat Management

The challenge faced by Cloudlead was engaging potential clients as they visited their website. They had traditionally relied on manned chats for lead conversion, which had become increasingly time-consuming and less effective as the demand for demos grew. 

Cloudlead needed a solution that could automate interactions, personalize the customer experience in real-time, and manage the increasing demand for demos without overwhelming their sales team.

The Solution: Automated Lead Generation

To tackle this challenge, Cloudlead implemented Pathmonk, an AI-powered software that personalized their visitors interactions on the website and streamlined their lead generation processes.

  • Automated Lead Capture: Pathmonk’s Web Assistant automated the lead generation process, interacting with website visitors in real-time to efficiently collect leads.
  • Integration with Existing Tools: The solution integrated seamlessly with MailJet, CloudLead’s email automation tool, ensuring immediate follow-up with new leads and facilitating quick scheduling of demos.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: The Web Assistant provided personalized interactions based on visitor behavior, offering tailored responses and guiding visitors towards desired actions like demo requests.
  • Maintenance of Chat Functionality: Despite automating many interactions, CloudLead retained a hybrid model by integrating Drift’s chat solution within Pathmonk, allowing for continued manual chat interactions when preferred by visitors.


The Results: +24% Demos Booked

+24% Increased Lead Collection: There was a 24% increase in the number of leads collected through the website.

Reduced Chat Time: The time sales representatives spent on chat was reduced by 82%, allowing them more time for higher-value activities such as closing sales and conducting demos.

Enhanced Sales Efficiency: With the reduction in manual chat handling, the sales team could focus more on engaging with qualified leads and potential clients, improving overall sales effectiveness.

Improved Customer Interaction: Pathmonk’s ability to provide personalized interactions improved the overall customer experience on the website.

Scalability and Flexibility: Cloudlead gained the ability to scale their customer interactions more effectively without additional strain on their team, while still maintaining options for manual chat where needed.

Key Findings

  • Automation = Efficiency: The substantial reduction in chat time highlights how automation can drastically decrease the need for manual intervention, freeing up sales teams to focus on more strategic tasks such as closing deals and building customer relationships.
  • Balanced Approach to Automation and Human Interaction: Even with significant automation, maintaining a hybrid system where traditional chat is available shows a nuanced understanding of customer preferences. Some users still value the option for real-time human interaction, which can be crucial in complex B2B environments.
  • Scalability Without Sacrificing Personalization: The ability to maintain a personalized approach while using automated systems provides a balanced strategy that doesn’t alienate users who prefer a human touch. It’s a compelling case for using hybrid systems that combine automated efficiency with options for personal interaction.

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