Optimize Communication to Reduce Conversion Barriers | Interview with Nick Talbert from Quartile


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In recent years the number of sellers on Amazon continues to expand. Amazon grows in popularity as sellers have the opportunity to be up and running quickly and work towards a successful self-run business or additional income. With this growth, businesses have jumped on board to help these sellers further. Quartile offers commerce advertising solutions across Amazon so you can optimize and grow your advertising results.

New to Quartile is head of marketing, Nick Talbert. Nick joined the team as he was impressed with the organic growth Quartile has seen. Now with sales and marketing working together for further growth, Nick looks to expand on the organic following with a focus on communication. To reduce all barriers for users the team looks to optimize communication in all stages of their digital marketing.

Digital solutions, tools, and techniques are constantly appearing and Nick works to remain up to date and constantly improve the digital space for their users. As their website is simple and efficient, Nick will continue to optimize communication to improve value messaging to all clients. Listen in to gain tips into this niche space.