Driving Organic Traffic and Boosting Lead Generation | Interview with Nicolai Klausen from Bazoom Group


Link building is a crucial element in improving search engine rankings and driving organic traffic to websites, as it helps establish credibility, authority, and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines. But it certainly isn’t a simple process. So Bazoom Group provides a platform that simplifies and centralizes the process of link building, aiming to be the go-to platform for this industry, similar to what Amazon is for e-commerce. Founder and COO, Nicolai Klausen joins us to dive deeper. They primarily work with agencies and direct brands looking to increase their Google traffic, and they also serve the affiliate industry. Bazoom Group differentiates itself by offering a structured process, extensive market coverage, and an intuitive platform. They rely on inbound and outbound marketing, focusing on word of mouth and brand mentions for generating traffic. They aim to improve their lead generation capabilities by providing free services and tools. Nikolai’s vision for Bazoom Group is to become a global leader in the link-building industry as they strive to challenge the status quo and constantly improve. 

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Take The Next Step on Your Growth Journey

Growth Marketers in the show focus mostly on one of the three big problems. Increasing the amount of leads, reducing the customer acquisition cost or improving the lead quality – that’s why they are in growth at the first place. Reports from Gartner & real experience from our guests show that >70% of the buying journey is happening online while the competition for leads online is increasing.

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