Enhancing User Experience With Data-Driven Insights | Interview with Natasha Sonawane Berry from Coastr

Enhancing User Experience With Data-Driven Insights Interview with Natasha Sonawane Berry from Coastr


We all love to travel, and some of us can’t live without it. Nothing beats a road trip. You set your own pace, stop for snacks, and beautiful views, whenever you want. You’re in complete control. But when we have to hire a car we spend months planning, researching the best prices, and hoping we don’t get hit with hidden fees or fines by the end of it all. But on a mission to change the technology behind this process is Coastr. Coastr provides an innovative solution for mobility companies by automating and simplifying car rental operations, connecting to various technologies, and offering a complete end-to-end solution. Natasha Sonawane Berry, The Head of Marketing, like any marketer, is always looking at new ways to build brand awareness and generate leads to empower growth. Natasha highlights the importance of the company’s website in attracting and retaining customers, but most importantly how they leverage data-driven insights to enhance the user experience and overall buying journey.

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Take The Next Step on Your Growth Journey

Growth Marketers in the show focus mostly on one of the three big problems. Increasing the amount of leads, reducing the customer acquisition cost or improving the lead quality – that’s why they are in growth at the first place. Reports from Gartner & real experience from our guests show that >70% of the buying journey is happening online while the competition for leads online is increasing.

The step-by-step Ebook guide below will help you to get started & analyse the digital buying journey on your website. Take this cheat sheet to accelerate revenue for your company.

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Learn how to optimize your buying journey and speed up your revenue with top strategies and invaluable resources.
