Stone Marketing Doubled Inbound Leads With Pathmonk

Marketing Agency
Website Conversions

+ 1 %
Website Conversions

Stone Marketing Strategy, established in 2017 and based in Colorado, is a digital marketing consultancy. Under the guidance of Tricia Stone, the team provides services like marketing strategy development, organic and paid marketing, and content creation, customizing their approach for each client. They’re enthusiastic about using the latest marketing technologies to help businesses grow.

The Challenge: Low Lead Quantity And Quality

Despite employing a robust multi-channel lead generation strategy, including SEO, PPC, and a strong blogging presence, Stone Marketing Strategy found that the high traffic to its website was not converting into a proportionate number of quality leads

The primary obstacle was engaging website visitors effectively without resorting to conventional, often impersonal solutions like chatbots, which the team felt could detract from the user experience by emphasizing artificial interaction over genuine human engagement.

The Solution: Personalized Visitor Engagement

To address this challenge, Stone Marketing Strategy implemented Pathmonk, a conversion optimization tool designed to enhance the buyer’s journey on their website without the use of chatbots. 

  • Pathmonk provides microexperiences tailored to each visitor’s stage in the buying journey, from increasing engagement in the awareness stage to building trust in the consideration stage. 
  • Our AI proactively engages website visitors, guiding them seamlessly into Stone Marketing’s sales process based on real-time analysis of their website behavior and interest level. 
  • The setup was straightforward, requiring minimal effort and no manual workflow adjustments, thereby optimizing the buyer journey efficiently.

The Results: +100% Website Conversions

The adoption of Pathmonk led to a remarkable improvement in website conversions, with a more than 100% increase

The pre-qualified lead profiles generated by Pathmonk have empowered the Stone Marketing team to conduct more targeted sales conversations, greatly enhancing their sales process.

By leveraging Pathmonk’s micro-experiences, Stone Marketing was able to provide a more personalized and engaging online experience, effectively keeping potential clients interested and involved.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalize or Perish: Tailoring the digital journey to each visitor’s needs isn’t just nice to have; it’s crucial. Stone Marketing’s leap in conversions proves that understanding and addressing individual visitor behavior wins big.
  • AI is Your Ally: Embracing AI for engaging website visitors shows that the future of effective marketing lies in smart technology. Pathmonk’s AI didn’t just automate; it revolutionized Stone Marketing’s engagement strategy.
  • Ditch the Bot, Keep the Human Touch: This case reaffirms that authenticity matters. Visitors crave real personalized engagement, not just one-size-fits-all automated conversations.

Multiply your results too

Implement Pathmonk now and boost your conversions. Our plans are scalable, based on your monthly pageviews





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