In this episode, we’re joined by Jed Corenthal, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at Phenix RTS, a leader in real-time video streaming technology.
Jed explains how Phenix eliminates streaming delays, latency, and buffering to create synchronized, real-time video experiences at scale. Discover how their innovative platform supports broadcasters, sports leagues, and entertainment companies to deliver content seamlessly across devices. Jed also shares insights into Phenix’s latest ad insertion feature and tips for effective marketing and business development.
Tune in to learn how Phenix is redefining live video streaming for fans and businesses globally!
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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments with relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more. Stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us out at pathmonk.com. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Jed from Phenex, chief marketing and business development officer with them. How are you doing today, Jed?
Jed Corenthal: Nice to see you, Ernesto.
Ernesto: It’s great to have you on. You have a lot of experience with Phenex, over seven years. I was on the website, and I’d love to learn more about it. I’m sure our listeners are curious as well. Let’s get on with what they’re here for. In your own words, Jed, tell us a little more about Phenex.
Jed: Sure. Phenex has solved many of the issues that have been plaguing the video streaming business. The best way to describe what we do is to give an example because a lot of people can relate to this. Imagine you’re streaming a game on your mobile device or computer, and you find out about a play before you’ve seen it. Maybe a friend texts you, “Wow, that was a great goal!” but you haven’t seen it yet.
That delay, referred to as latency, happens because of the technology used by the streaming provider. What we’ve done is build a platform that allows broadcasters, sports leagues, or content owners to stream content in real-time—about the same time as a typical video chat—while maintaining less than half a second of delay, even at broadcast scale.
Additionally, we synchronize streams across devices. If you and I were watching the same event, like the Super Bowl, on identical devices and ISPs, we’d still have completely different experiences—one of us could be 20 seconds behind while the other is 60 seconds behind. This ruins interaction. With our technology, everyone watches at the exact same time, no matter their location or device.
Ernesto: That’s super important. You nailed it—when you’re watching, and your phone buzzes with spoilers, it just ruins the moment. Definitely something to pay attention to. So, what would you say is the key problem you solve for your clients?
Jed: We solve the issue of streaming delays, buffering, and latency. Most viewers don’t know terms like “latency,” but they’ve experienced it—notifications spoiling the action, buffering circles, or being behind in live events. We’ve solved these issues, especially for fantasy sports fans, who otherwise can’t have their phones near them without getting spoilers. With Phenex, fans experience the game as though they’re in the stadium but on their phones.
Ernesto: That’s amazing. I saw on your site that you’ve worked with Disney, the Oscars, and Barstool. Great stuff! How does someone typically find out about Phenex? How do they get in contact with you?
Jed: Our website is the best place to start: phenexrts.com—that’s P-H-E-N-I-X-R-T-S dot com. It stands for Phenex Real-Time Solutions. The site provides ways to contact us, check out use cases, and see case studies from clients like Verizon, horse racing organizations, and others.
Ernesto: I’m on the site now—it’s gorgeous. What role does the website play in your client ecosystem?
Jed: The website primarily serves as an educational tool, showing people what we do, who we’ve worked with, and the problems we solve. It’s also a resource for potential investors or partners, offering insights into our organization, team, and the impact we’ve made. It’s an essential part of our ecosystem.
Ernesto: Makes sense. Let’s switch gears a little, Jed, and talk about you as a leader. What are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?
Jed: I oversee all our marketing efforts with a small but powerful team. We handle newsletters, blogs, LinkedIn posts—our best platform—and social media on Facebook and Twitter. We also do email marketing, outbound newsletters, and some selective trade advertising.
Beyond marketing, I focus on business development. Having been in the industry for a long time, I’ve built relationships that help open doors. I work on turning those connections into leads and deals, collaborating with our sales team to close them.
Ernesto: Sounds like you have a full plate! Let’s jump into our rapid-fire question round. Are you ready?
Jed: I’m ready—fire away.
Ernesto: First up, what’s the last book you read?
Jed: My Miracle Season by Bob Hurley, one of the most famous high school basketball coaches. It was incredibly motivating and inspiring.
Ernesto: Great read. What’s one thing your company is focused on the most right now?
Jed: We’re rolling out a new feature called ad insertion, allowing clients to monetize their streams in real time. We’re the only company in the world offering this for real-time streams, and we’re beta testing it with some clients.
Ernesto: Amazing! If there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you’d fix as a marketer?
Jed: I’d want everyone to adopt our technology and realize they don’t have to settle for delays or buffering. The tech exists to fix it, and we have it.
Ernesto: If you could automate one repetitive task, what would it be?
Jed: Clone me! I need more bodies to handle everything on my plate.
Ernesto: Definitely—more hands would make everything easier. Lastly, with all your experience in marketing, what’s one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were starting over?
Jed: Always be prepared. Research the companies or people you’re meeting with, understand the landscape, and be ready to handle challenges intelligently. Preparation is key.
Ernesto: Fantastic advice for our listeners. Thanks so much for joining us, Jed. If someone remembers just one thing about this interview, what should it be?
Jed: We solve the biggest problems in streaming. Phenex is the future of real-time video streaming.
Ernesto: Couldn’t agree more. If the NFL or NBA is listening, they need you! Thanks so much, Jed, for joining us. To our listeners, check them out at phenexrts.com. Thanks for tuning in, and we’ll see you next time on Pathmonk Presents.
Jed: My pleasure, Ernesto.