Revolutionizing & Optimizing Customer Success and Retention | Interview with Erica Crossfield from SmartKarrot

Revolutionizing & Optimizing Customer Success and Retention Interview with Erica Crossfield from SmartKarrot


Well done! You converted the prospect successfully and you have one new customer. Your job is done. Wrong! Now we have to work even hard on customer retention and success. Senior Brand Manager, at SmartKarrot, Erica Crossfield helps us understand how we can revolutionize customer success and retention with their platform. Smart Carrot’s platform focuses on creating an intelligent and democratized platform where customer success, sales, marketing, product, and finance can work together to improve customers’ overall lifetime value and increase the business’s net recurring revenue. Erica dives into their key growth channels and the importance of her role in connecting marketing, sales, and product to ensure one cohesive team. Their website is an important part of the buyer’s journey, and it plays a vital role in providing information and visual representation of the company, so Erica is eager to shift their messaging to accommodate growing personas.

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Take The Next Step on Your Growth Journey

Growth Marketers in the show focus mostly on one of the three big problems. Increasing the amount of leads, reducing the customer acquisition cost or improving the lead quality – that’s why they are in growth at the first place. Reports from Gartner & real experience from our guests show that >70% of the buying journey is happening online while the competition for leads online is increasing.

The step-by-step Ebook guide below will help you to get started & analyse the digital buying journey on your website. Take this cheat sheet to accelerate revenue for your company.

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