Streamlining and Creating an Education-Based Buying Journey | Interview with Kezia Lynch from Parkable

Streamlining and Creating an Education-Based Buying Journey Interview with Kezia Lynch from Parkable


As our cars get smarter our parking gets smarter too. Parkable solves parking problems with its simple, user-friendly platform. This parking management software for modern businesses is the easiest way to manage employee and tenant parking. Kezia Lynch, Global Head of Customer Success, gives us more insight into the inception of Parkable. Before COVID, parking management was relatively simple in the workplace, but nowadays it’s flexible working, hybrid schedules, and that traditional management method no longer works. Parkable enables parking spaces to be like shared assets while automating the whole management system. They work with customers of all sizes, from solo offices with 15 parking spots to Meta, which has tens of thousands of parking spots. Offering up a new tech solution means creating an education-based buying journey. Their content marketing strategy focuses on awareness and problem-solution awareness, while their website works hard to serve different audiences. With varying personas and a variety of products and sub-products, their website is a critical element in educating prospects and streamlining their understanding of Parkable.

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Growth Marketers in the show focus mostly on one of the three big problems. Increasing the amount of leads, reducing the customer acquisition cost or improving the lead quality – that’s why they are in growth at the first place. Reports from Gartner & real experience from our guests show that >70% of the buying journey is happening online while the competition for leads online is increasing.

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