Do You Have Enough Resources to Guide Prospective Clients? | Interview with David Wolfe from Inguo


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In order to grow and learn from mistakes and experiences, we need data. In data analytics there is a constant need for examination and investigation in order to answer the ‘whys’, to ultimately drive a business to function at its best. Inguo offers automated causation analysis, driving cutting-edge technology. Providing AI-driven discovery through a cloud-based interface.

This technology is standing out amongst the rest with efficient automation and mix data types. For those that have such experience, there is an opportunity to intellectually interact with the machine and add your own knowledge. With such high capabilities and as newcomers, Inguo is sure to offer enough resources on their website to guide prospective clients in order to showcase how they have gone-beyond.

From whitepapers, blogs, demos (like we have at Pathmonk), and much more, there is no doubt that they have offered enough resources and information in order to guide clients to take the leap of faith, to ultimately encourage them to the next stage of this technology, and hopefully increase conversions