Business Insights and Automation Powered by Data | Lilian Cuesta from X-Data


Join us as we welcome Lilian Cuesta, Chief Communications Officer at X-Data, a Mexican data analytics and visualization company. 

In this insightful episode, Lilian shares how X-Data helps businesses across Latin America and Spain leverage their data for better decision-making and process automation. She discusses effective client acquisition strategies, including SEO and podcast marketing, and emphasizes the importance of user-centric website design. Lilian also offers valuable advice on staying updated in the ever-evolving tech industry and balancing marketing efforts between branding and lead generation

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Lilian from Xdata. How are you doing today, Lilian?

Lilian Cuesta: Good, Ernesto. Thank you very much for having me. I’m really excited to talk with you.

Ernesto: It’s great to have you on and, well, I’m sure our listeners are tuning in wondering what Xdata is all about, so let’s kick it off with that. Lilian, in your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Lilian: Of course. Well, Xdata is a Mexican data analytics and data visualization company. We’re mainly focused on consulting and providing different kinds of services related to data, such as data architecture, data lakes, business intelligence, among others.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. All right. And so that way, our listeners who are tuned in could get a good understanding of Xdata. Lilian, what are some key problems that you guys like to solve for clients?

Lilian: Well, we provide different kinds of solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We have clients all over Latin America, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and more. We identify every problem they have that could be solved with data. Maybe they have a lot of data that they don’t know how to use in their companies, or they need to automate some processes. So that’s where we’re the best at.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. Also, I know you work with logistics, manufacturers, and retail. Would those be your main verticals or is there another ICP that you guys like to go for?

Lilian: Well, yeah, we have a lot of experience in many industries, like pharmaceutical. We also provide services for clients in retail, CPG, and more. We like to do different stuff that challenges us.

Ernesto: Okay, awesome. Great to hear that. So then, if I’m in retail, how would I usually find out about Xdata? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Lilian: Yeah, well, we’ve tried many different strategies. That’s how marketing works. But nowadays, what has been working best for us is good SEO strategies. Also, we have a podcast called Datashot where I interview professionals to help us understand how data works in their different industries. That has been really good for bringing leads to the company and also for positioning us as a reference in data, which always helps in terms of branding.

Ernesto: Definitely important. I’m sure at some point, we’ll get Pathmonk on there as well. Thanks for that. We’d be happy to be on there. On that note, so our listeners who are tuned in could go ahead and visit you, they could always check you out at What role does the website play for client acquisition?

Lilian: For us, it’s really, really important. I think having an updated website is a must. We’re currently working on a major update of our website, and we’ve identified that our clients always visit, do their research, and many contacts reach out to us through that way. So yes, in my experience, it’s very important to keep an eye on that and also to build a strong SEO and content marketing strategy.

Ernesto: Definitely important to convert those leads that are coming in. Is there any tools or tips or methods that you would recommend to our listeners as far as some website lead generation?

Lilian: Yeah, especially I think that you have to be very clear with your information because sometimes we try to sound very romantic or creative, but I think that we just have to say things as they are and always think about the user experience. Especially in what you, as a client or user, would search for. Wording is very important, and I think a common mistake could be trying to sound like you know everything, but you must begin by putting your client’s way of thinking as a priority and making their journey very easy through your website. Make it very easy to contact you and also share your testimonials and success stories so they know what you can do.

Ernesto: Definitely important. Thank you so much for sharing that with our audience, Lilian. Let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about you as a leader. You’re the Chief Communications Officer for Xdata. What are some key tasks you like to focus on in your day-to-day work?

Lilian: Well, I especially work in problem-solving and always staying updated about what’s going on, not only in marketing but also in the tech industry because we know that’s something that’s always changing. We need to be aware of that to make our communications more attractive and engaging so our buyer persona knows that they can trust us. Also, being in communication with the operations team and sales team is a priority.

Ernesto: Definitely important, right? You’ve got to know where the ship is sailing. Awesome to hear that. In your spare time, how do you stay updated with all the news in the marketing world, trends, strategies? Is there a preferred channel that you like to go with?

Lilian: Yeah, well, I can tell you I love listening to podcasts. Also, the interviews I do on Datashot help me the most because it’s like taking a step forward from theory to practice. Listening to the experiences of others in different industries and real use cases is what helps me the most.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. Great to share that with our listeners. Let’s jump into our next section here, Lilian, which is our rapid-fire question round. Are you ready for them?

Lilian: Of course.

Ernesto: Awesome. Perfect. First off, Lilian, what is the last book that you read?

Lilian: Okay, well, nothing to do with data or marketing actually, but the last one I read is called Ikigai. I don’t remember the author, but it talks about this Japanese term to find why you get out of bed every day. Also, I’m currently reading one called Eat and Run. I’m training for a marathon, and I love to do this analogy with professional careers or just day-to-day work, focusing on small wins and improvements instead of only the final goal.

Ernesto: All right, interesting read there for our listeners. Next up then, Lilian, what is one single thing that the company is focused on at the moment the most?

Lilian: To find that sweet spot between growing the company’s marketing and sales. Sometimes we try to improve our branding, but we forget about lead acquisition. So we’re trying to make the perfect mix to increase our sales.

Ernesto: Definitely. It’s always that balance, right? Marketing and sales, when you go one way, the other might slip. So that balance is important. Next up then, if there were no boundaries in technology, Lilian, what would be that one thing that you would want to have fixed for your role as a marketer today?

Lilian: Okay, that’s a good question. I’m thinking about something related to data. It’s still kind of hard to measure things sometimes, and I don’t think there is just this formula that works for everyone. It’s a lot of A/B testing. Maybe that would help us reduce the time it takes to get to what works better for your company, your industry, your goals. To find that would be a jackpot, definitely.

Ernesto: Okay, great. That would be really nice, not just for you, but for everybody. Next up then, is if there’s one repetitive task that you could automate, what would that be?

Lilian: Okay, I don’t know if that already exists. Maybe I need to do some research on this, but now I’m thinking of a tool that helps me track how my competition is doing, like implementing similar marketing strategies or marketing tools as I am, or maybe other companies just to open up my radar. But I’m sure that would increase the marketing level in the world hugely because it sounds to me like the open code where programmers build and improve something that already exists. Like something similar to that, but in marketing, definitely.

Ernesto: Well, if somebody’s out there listening to this, reach out to Lilian. You can find her on LinkedIn, right?

Lilian: Please.

Ernesto: Awesome. Lastly, Lilian, what would be that one piece of advice that you would give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer today?

Lilian: That’s a hard question, but it would be, don’t be afraid to try it all. The faster you try and make mistakes, the faster you learn, of course. Also, take full advantage of the tools and technologies around you, as that will save you lots of time, especially nowadays when there are plenty of options.

Ernesto: Definitely important. Thank you so much for that advice, not just for yourself but for our listeners. Well, Lilian, we are coming to the end of today’s episode here at Pathmonk Presents, but before we do end, I do want to give you the last word. If someone forgets everything about the interview today, what is that one thing they should remember about Xdata?

Lilian: You can find data everywhere, so you should take advantage of that. That’s why we transform data into earnings.

Ernesto: There you guys heard it. You could always visit them at They will help you resolve your problems and make better decisions for your business through analysis of data dashboards and visualizations. Lilian, thank you so much for being on with us today. To our listeners, thank you so much for tuning in, and I’m looking forward to our next episode at Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Lilian.

Lilian: Thank you.