Leveraging Location Intelligence for Different Industries | Ana Guerra from Focus BC


In this insightful episode, we welcome Ana Guerra, Head of Marketing at Focus BC, a company specializing in location intelligence. 

Ana shares how Focus BC transforms geospatial data into actionable insights for smart cities and the sports industry. She discusses their journey from an IT consulting company to a product-focused business, highlighting their partnership with Google and work with major clients like UEFA. Ana also delves into their innovative approach to lead generation, the importance of simplicity in website design, and her personal strategies for staying updated in the marketing world. 

This episode offers valuable insights for anyone interested in data-driven decision-making and marketing in the B2B sphere.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increased online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us out on pathmonk.com. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Ana from Focus BC, head of marketing with them. How are you doing today, Ana?

Ana Guerra: All good. It’s the end of the day, so I’m finishing off the workday with you, so that’s nice. And the weekend is close by, so it’s great.

Ernesto: One more day, right? Definitely. That’s great to hear and, well, let’s kick it off. I’m sure our listeners are tuning in wondering what Focus BC is all about. So, in your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Ana: Yeah, so Focus BC, I would say, is all about location intelligence. That might be a concept that some people might not know about, so I would say location intelligence has to do with getting data. Nowadays, most of the data we see has a geospatial location component to it. So, it’s getting that data onto a map and driving insights from it. The company was founded in 2012, but we’ve been Google partners since 2013. So all of the maps we have embedded within our products are Google Maps and powered by Google Drive as well. Right now, we have three products—Mapify, CT as a platform, and Virtual Venue. Each of these products is targeted towards different industries, but all of them have a location intelligence focus. So, all data and data on maps.

Ernesto: Definitely. Okay, perfect. Great to hear that. So that way, Ana, our listeners can get a good understanding of Focus BC. What would be the key problem that you guys like to solve for clients?

Ana: I would say that the main problem has to do with data overload. There is a bunch of data coming from many sources, especially within the smart cities and sports industries, which are the sectors we mostly work with. So, what we try to do is be a hub or platform where they can integrate all the data and then drive insights from it. We aim to make it easier for them by democratizing this type of knowledge. In the past, software like AutoCAD might have taken forever to process such data, and it wasn’t very user-friendly. We make it intuitive and cloud-based, so it doesn’t require heavy computing power on your device. For example, within smart cities, they may not have someone dedicated solely to analyzing geospatial data, but with our software, it’s easy enough for others to manage without technical expertise.

Ernesto: Well, that’s really nice to hear. So, is there a certain vertical segment that Focus BC goes for? Is there an ideal ICP for you?

Ana: Well, I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily a vertical, but more industry-focused. In smart cities, we mostly work with municipalities and councils. They use our platform to help with decision-making. For example, deciding the best location for an event or a car park based on data insights. They input their own data into our platform and drive insights to make better decisions. In sports, we work with leagues, federations, and major sports events. One of our main clients in sports is UEFA, and we’ve been working with them for a couple of years now. We developed a product for them and then decided to white-label it to offer it to other companies. Recently, we’ve been working with the Portuguese, Moroccan, and Spanish federations for the 2030 World Cup bid. Our software helps them gather all the information needed for the bid, from checking hotels to flight logistics and resources.

Ernesto: Definitely. Okay, awesome. Great to hear that, Ana. How would someone usually find out about Focus BC? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you?

Ana: There are a couple of channels. Surprisingly, we get a lot of very valuable leads from Google since we’re Google partners. Sometimes Google reaches out to us because they know we’re one of the top companies in Portugal when it comes to Google Maps and the application of maps within products. We also retain most of our clients—once they start with us, they tend to stay and expand their use of our products. We also host an annual event for our smart cities clients, where they showcase how they use our products to prospects. In addition, we participate in many events, and our blog is another source, especially for IT consultancy and smaller startups. They often reach out after reading a relevant use case on our blog.

Ernesto: Great! And so, our listeners who are tuned in can visit you at focusbc.com. What role does the website play in client acquisition, Ana?

Ana: Well, it’s a bit complex because it depends on the website. Focus BC’s main site is more for employer branding—attracting candidates and showcasing the company. Our product websites are more focused on the products themselves and driving clients there. So, it really depends on the brand and the product.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. Thanks for sharing that. Is there any tool or method you would recommend for lead generation?

Ana: Yes, we’ve created two new websites recently, so I’ve researched a lot about it. My advice would be to keep it simple and repeat your core message several times. People explore websites differently—some read everything, while others skim or just visit one landing page. So, repeating the main message in different ways is key. Also, make it easy for people to contact you—include contact forms or options on different pages, not just the homepage.

Ernesto: Great advice! Let’s switch gears a bit, Ana. As head of marketing at Focus BC, what are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?

Ana: It depends on the time of the month. Right now, we’re preparing for a couple of events, so I’m focused on making sure everything is ready, from the right message to the right logo. Then there’s producing and reviewing content, whether it’s our own or through agencies, and planning how to use that content across our various channels, like newsletters, blogs, and social media. So, content and event planning are my main focuses at the moment.

Ernesto: Absolutely. And when you have time to catch up on marketing trends, what’s your preferred channel for news or strategy updates?

Ana: I used to follow marketing magazines, but now I mostly follow relevant people on LinkedIn. I look for marketing leaders or people in related fields like content or productivity. They often share valuable insights, and it’s already filtered information. I’m also a big fan of Gary Vaynerchuk—I’ve been following him since I finished university over ten years ago.

Ernesto: Great sources! Let’s jump into the rapid-fire questions. Are you ready?

Ana: Yes, I’m ready!

Ernesto: First off, what is the last book you read?

Ana: The last book I read was a Portuguese book called A Vida Não Pode Esperar (A Life Can’t Wait) by Rita Pizarro. She was the former CFO of Microsoft Portugal and retired at 44. The book is about how she achieved financial independence, and it’s been quite popular in Portugal.

Ernesto: That’s great! Next, if there were no boundaries in technology, what would you want to fix in your role as a marketer?

Ana: I’d love a tool that tells me exactly which platform is crucial for us at the moment. I get so many software proposals, and it’s hard to choose the right one because budgets are limited. If a tool could help with that decision, it would be amazing!

Ernesto: I can imagine! Is there one repetitive task you’d like to automate?

Ana: Yes, reviewing content. Checking multiple formats of the same video or asset can be time-consuming. If something could automate that for me, it would be great.

Ernesto: Totally understandable. Lastly, what advice would you give yourself if you were starting your journey as a marketer today?

Ana: I’d remind myself that most things don’t matter as much as they seem. Focus on what truly matters and don’t get caught up in the little things. It’s better to take risks, try things, and learn from them.

Ernesto: Great advice! And before we wrap up, what’s the one thing people should remember about Focus BC from today’s interview?

Ana: I’d say if your company works in smart cities, sports, or event management, and you need help making sense of all your data, we likely have a product that can help. Visit us at Focus BC and explore what we offer. We’ll also be at several events soon, so feel free to meet us in person or connect through video calls.

Ernesto: Fantastic! Well, thank you, Ana, for joining us today, and thank you to our listeners for tuning in. Looking forward to our next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks, Ana.

Ana: Thank you!