Achieving Growth in Software Development | Jakub Putyło from Inspeerity

Achieving Growth in Software Development | Jakub Putyło from Inspeerity


In this episode, we welcome Jakub Putyło, Head of Growth at Inspeerity, a software development company specializing in turning client ideas into beautiful, functional software.

Jakub shares insights into Inspeerity’s focus on enterprise clients, particularly in the healthcare sector. He discusses their approach to client acquisition, the importance of industry expertise, and strategies for effective lead generation. Jakub also offers valuable advice on staying updated with industry trends and emphasizes the significance of consistency and discipline in marketing efforts. 

This episode provides a comprehensive look at the intersection of software development, healthcare technology, and growth strategies.

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Jakub Putyło: Hi guys. I’m doing great. What about you, Ernesto?

Ernesto: I’m doing great. It’s Wednesday. So awesome to be here on today’s episode, and glad that we have you to learn a little bit more about Inspeerity. Well, I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, wondering what you guys are all about. So in your own words, Jakub, tell us a little bit more.

Jakub: So in a nutshell, we turn clients’ ideas into beautiful software. We are a software development company. We work with different types of clients and basically solve problems by providing bespoke software solutions to them.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. So that way, our listeners who are tuning in can get a good understanding of Inspeerity. What would you say is the key problem that you guys like to solve for clients?

Jakub: Yes, that’s a good question. The best answer would be for all types of clients, but we focus on enterprises. Over these ten years in the market, we’ve worked with small companies, startups, and medium-sized companies. Now, we focus on enterprises, especially in particular industries.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. Awesome. Is there a certain vertical segment, or an ideal ICP for you guys at Inspeerity?

Jakub: Yeah, we focus on a few industries, and we’ve built industry expertise within our company. For example, I’m a healthcare industry expert, so I get assigned to healthcare-related projects. Thanks to that, I can discuss with clients or potential clients on an expert level in healthcare, health tech, medtech, and even mental health, which is a growing trend. We also have expertise in other areas like energy, manufacturing, and logistics.

Ernesto: Definitely. Awesome. So, Jakub, let’s say I’m in the healthcare industry. How would I usually find out about Inspeerity? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Jakub: Yes, we use both outbound and inbound tactics, but I should mention conferences. Right now, I’m focusing on healthcare conferences. I attend these events, talk with industry experts, and exchange thoughts. That’s a key approach for us.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. And so, for our listeners who want to visit you, they can check you out at What role does your website play in client acquisition?

Jakub: It’s starting to play a big role. Initially, it was just an informative website, but we’ve recently redesigned it and put a lot of effort into researching user journeys. We built it to better convert visitors into leads through contact forms. Visitors can now learn about our expertise in specific technologies and industries like healthcare and energy.

Ernesto: Getting the user buying journey in place to make things easier is definitely important. I’m glad you guys are doing that. Do you have any tips or tools you would recommend for website lead generation?

Jakub: Definitely connect your website to a CRM. In our case, we use HubSpot, which helps us manage leads with features like lead scoring, newsletters, and nurturing. We also use tools like Leadfeeder to identify which companies are visiting our website, which helps us track interest.

Ernesto: Absolutely important. Great to hear that. Now, let’s switch gears a bit, Jakub. As the head of growth at Inspeerity, what are some of the key tasks you focus on day to day?

Jakub: I’m responsible for managing our current clients and hunting for new ones. In our company, each team member is responsible for their clients, from prospecting to building relationships, creating proposals, negotiating, and ensuring the client gets the best service. It’s the whole client experience in one person’s hands.

Ernesto: Awesome. How do you stay up to date with trends and strategies in marketing? Do you have a preferred channel?

Jakub: I follow a few podcasts and newsletters related to my industry, particularly healthcare. Plus, I have a wide network of friends in Poland’s software industry. We meet up occasionally to discuss trends, share tips, and talk about strategies.

Ernesto: Great strategy. Now, let’s jump into our rapid-fire questions. Ready?

Jakub: Yes, let’s go.

Ernesto: First off, what’s the last book you read?

Jakub: Chris Voss’ Never Split the Difference, about negotiating.

Ernesto: A great one! Next, what’s the single thing your company is focused on the most right now?

Jakub: Outbound strategies, particularly how to approach clients.

Ernesto: Interesting. If there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you’d want fixed for your role as a marketer?

Jakub: Definitely, I’d want clients with buying intent delivered straight to me!

Ernesto: That would be nice! What’s one repetitive task you’d love to automate?

Jakub: All CRM-related tasks—taking notes, moving deals, and managing leads.

Ernesto: Makes sense. Lastly, what’s one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were to restart your marketing journey?

Jakub: Be consistent and disciplined. Results will come with time, and you can apply that to any aspect of life.

Ernesto: Great advice for anyone! We’re nearing the end of the show, but before we wrap up, if our listeners forget everything from this interview, what’s the one thing they should remember about Inspeerity?

Jakub: That we can help solve complex software problems.

Ernesto: Perfect. Listeners, check them out at Jakub, thank you so much for joining us today. To our listeners, thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to the next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks again, Jakub!

Jakub: Thanks, Ernesto. Thanks, guys.