Revolutionizing Analytics for E-commerce Brands | Zachary Rego from Triple Whale

Revolutionizing Analytics for E-commerce Brands | Zachary Rego from Triple Whale


In this insightful episode, we welcome Zachary Rego, Senior VP of Revenue at Triple Whale. Zachary shares how Triple Whale is revolutionizing e-commerce analytics and attribution for DTC brands on Shopify. 

He discusses their mission to democratize data for SMB and mid-market e-commerce businesses, providing powerful insights into marketing attribution, LTV, and profitability. Zachary also delves into Triple Whale’s client acquisition strategies, the importance of personalization in website lead generation, and his role in driving revenue through sales, marketing, and partnerships. 

Listeners will gain valuable insights into the latest trends in e-commerce analytics, growth strategies, and the future of AI-driven reporting.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us out on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Zachary, Senior VP of Revenue at Triple Whale. How are you doing today, Zach?

Zachary Rego: I’m doing great. Thank you for having me.

Ernesto: Awesome. It’s great to have you on today’s show. I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, wondering what Triple Whale is all about. So, let’s kick it off with that. Zach, in your own words, can you tell us a little bit more?

Zachary: Yeah. Triple Whale is an attribution and analytics platform built for DTC brands on Shopify today. Our mission is to democratize data. Historically, BI and very expensive solutions engineers and data engineers were reserved for large ecommerce brands. Our mission is to arm SMB and mid-market ecommerce brands with the data they need to better optimize their businesses.

Ernesto: Okay, great to learn that. And so, Zach, our listeners can get a good understanding of Triple Whale. What would you say is the key problem you solve for clients?

Zachary: It starts with end-to-end analytics. We provide a proprietary pixel that tracks people who visit your site and where they came from. It’s great for marketing attribution, but the real value is tying together not just marketing attribution but everything that happens post-purchase. LTV is a big topic right now in the DTC world, and we help brands identify the ads and campaigns that drive the best LTV. This has been especially helpful for our clients as profitability has become more critical with the changing funding climate.

Ernesto: Definitely important. So, is there a particular vertical or ideal ICP for Triple Whale?

Zachary: Yes, anyone in ecommerce using Shopify right now. We’ll be expanding to other platforms soon, but for now, it’s Shopify. We work with many ecommerce brands across industries like apparel, supplements, and food and beverage, but the main focus is ecommerce brands doing a million or more in annual GMV.

Ernesto: Got it. So, how does someone usually find out about Triple Whale? What’s your top client acquisition channel?

Zachary: We focus a lot on tech partnerships. We do a lot of co-marketing with other tech companies in our ecosystem, and that’s our top lead generation strategy. Outside of that, we do well with paid ads, especially on LinkedIn. More recently, we’ve been doing ABM campaigns with targeted outreach to specific clients using LinkedIn messenger and in-feed campaigns. We also spend a bit on Facebook and Google, but tech partnerships are our number one strategy.

Ernesto: Okay, and for listeners who want to check you out, they can visit What role does your website play in client acquisition?

Zachary: We invest heavily in organic content and brand building, and our website is key. We get a lot of traffic through organic search. We’ve built many landing pages tailored to different segments, and personalization is crucial for us. We create personalized on-site experiences with pop-ups and content to convert visitors through free tools and resources. That approach has been really successful for generating top-funnel leads, which our sales team nurtures into demos.

Ernesto: Good to hear. Are there any tools, tips, or methods you’d recommend for website lead generation?

Zachary: Yes, I’d say value early is key. The highest bar is asking for a demo, but you need to continuously lower the bar to capture information. We use exit-intent pop-ups to offer free tools or resources that match the visitor’s interest. We also analyze top-visited pages and blog posts to match our CTAs with the user’s intent.

Ernesto: Definitely. Let’s switch gears a bit, Zach, and talk about you as a leader. What are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?

Zachary: I lead sales, marketing, and partnerships, so my day can involve sitting in on demos with large brands to help close deals. I think it’s important as a marketing leader to sit in on demos to understand messaging, positioning, and client pain points. I also work with the demand-gen team on new campaigns and spend a lot of time on tech partnerships, focusing on integration and co-marketing strategies.

Ernesto: Interesting. I love that you’re still hands-on with demos and staying connected with client needs. How do you stay up to date with trends and strategies in the marketing world?

Zachary: I listen to a lot of podcasts. One of my favorites is the Acquired podcast, which does deep dives into companies like Nintendo, LVMH, and Microsoft. It’s great for pulling inspiration from companies with long-term success. I also subscribe to the Growth Unhinged newsletter by Kyle Poyar, which highlights strategies from successful companies, and that often piques my interest to dig deeper.

Ernesto: Great resources! Now, let’s move into our rapid-fire question round. Are you ready, Zach?

Zachary: Ready!

Ernesto: First off, what’s the last book you read?

Zachary: Elon Musk’s Biography.

Ernesto: Interesting read! Did you enjoy it?

Zachary: It was great. People think Elon is all over the place, but he’s been incredibly focused on the same big ideas for decades. It’s inspiring to see how focused he’s been in executing his vision.

Ernesto: Definitely! Next question—if there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you’d want to fix for your role as a marketer?

Zachary: AI-powered reporting. We’re close, but it’s still painstaking to build reports for every campaign. I wish we could automate that fully.

Ernesto: I see. And is there one repetitive task you’d love to automate?

Zachary: Reporting—setting up reporting for every new channel or campaign is something I’d love to automate.

Ernesto: I hear you! Lastly, what’s one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were to restart your marketing journey?

Zachary: Take bigger swings earlier. I was too conservative early on. At some point, you need to be confident and take a big swing—it can change the trajectory of your business.

Ernesto: Great advice! Thanks so much for sharing, Zach. We’re nearing the end of the show, but before we go, if someone forgets everything from this interview, what’s the one thing they should remember about Triple Whale?

Zachary: If you need marketing analytics or attribution insights in the DTC world, reach out to us. And keep an eye out—we’ll be expanding into B2B soon to help SaaS companies with their marketing analytics.

Ernesto: Perfect! And for our listeners, check them out at—better data, better decisions. Zach, thank you so much for being with us today. To our listeners, thank you for tuning in, and I’m looking forward to our next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Zach!

Zachary: Appreciate it!