How to use educational videos to improve awareness with Pathmonk

Even the best business idea won’t matter if your audience doesn’t get it—because if they don’t understand it, it’s like it doesn’t exist 🫠

Too often, marketers assume their audience already knows what they’re offering, how it works, and why it’s worth their time. But even the best marketing campaigns—perfectly timed and spread across multiple channels—are pointless if your prospects aren’t getting what you actually do.

Does that sound familiar? It doesn’t have to. 

Pathmonk steps in by detecting early-stage visitors and showing them personalized interactions that increase their understanding of your product or service. One of the most effective ways is by using educational videos—triggered when a visitor shows signs that they don’t fully know what you offer.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make the most of easy-to-understand educational videos to boost your prospects’ knowledge and, ultimately, increase your conversions.

Table of Contents

Step by step: leveraging educational videos to increase brand knowledge

Before we get our hands dirty, you have to figure out where your audience might lack understanding. Are your prospects unsure about how your product works? Do they struggle with your services’ benefits or application? Identifying these gaps will help you create a focused script that addresses common questions and pain points.

Our recommendation: check customer feedback, sales team insights, or website analytics to pinpoint the most confusing parts of your offering.

1. Set up your video experience

First, log in to your Pathmonk account. Under the ‘Accelerate’ menu and select ‘Micro-Experiences’. This is where you’ll create the personalized touchpoints that help guide your visitors through their journey


In the Content section, you’ll be able to add all the assets you want to incorporate into your customer journey touchpoints. We recommend adding videos to the Welcome micro-experiences at the awareness stage, as this is the critical moment when your prospects need the most information about your offering.

If you already have an educational video ready, congratulations! Simply upload it by clicking the ‘Upload Video/Image’ button. This allows you to directly integrate your video into Pathmonk’s system, where it will be triggered at key moments based on user behavior.


If you already have an educational video ready, congratulations! Simply upload it by clicking the ‘Upload Video/Image’ button. This allows you to directly integrate your video into Pathmonk’s system, where it will be triggered at key moments based on user behavior.

Don’t have a video? No problem. We understand that creating a high-quality educational video takes time, effort, and resources, which is why we’ve made the process simple for you. Pathmonk offers pre-designed professional videos that are optimized to engage website visitors. 


You can choose the speaker, background, and customize subtitles. These pre-built videos are designed to be quick and effective, providing an instant solution for businesses that need educational content right away.

2. Request a custom video

While pre-designed videos are a great option, our top recommendation is to request a custom video created by Pathmonk’s AI. With the ‘Request Custom Video’ option, you have the flexibility to tailor every detail to your audience and business needs. First, choose from a selection of avatars to represent your video speaker. You can then customize other elements like language, background, and subtitles.


After that, simply upload your desired background image or URL, and provide the script for the video in the Transcription field. The AI will generate the video based on your inputs and your visitors’ behavior, ensuring a personalized and highly relevant experience.

Custom videos offer the highest level of personalization, making them perfect for companies that want to deliver educational content in a way that directly resonates with their audience.

Once your videos are uploaded, Pathmonk will trigger them at key moments during the visitor’s journey, based on their behavior and level of engagement, ensuring that the right content is shown to the right prospects when they need it most.


Why videos are so effective for building awareness

In an age where the average internet user has an attention span shorter than a goldfish, videos have become one of the most effective tools for building awareness. They are engaging, versatile, and grab your audience’s attention. 

But what really makes videos so powerful for educating your prospects? Let’s break it down:

1. Simplifying complex information

One of the greatest strengths of video is its ability to simplify complex ideas and make them easier to understand. Whether you’re explaining how your product works, highlighting its features, or walking viewers through a step-by-step process, videos allow you to present information in a clear, visual format that’s easy to digest.

People absorb visuals faster than text, and when combined with concise narration or demonstrations, video content helps your audience grasp even the most complex concepts quickly. For businesses with detailed or technical products, this ability to simplify is key. Educational videos can explain in minutes what might take pages of text, giving potential customers the knowledge they need to feel confident in your offering.

2. Building credibility through a human touch

Videos also excel at building authority and credibility by adding a human element that text or static images can’t match. Seeing a person—whether it’s a team member, an expert, or even an AI-generated avatar—explaining your product creates a personal connection with the viewer. This human touch makes your brand feel more approachable and relatable.

People tend to trust what they see and hear from others, and presenting your information in a friendly, transparent way helps build authenticity. This sense of trust is especially important in the awareness stage, where first impressions matter. Establishing credibility early lays the groundwork for a stronger relationship with potential customers as they move further along their buying journey.

👉 Learn more about how Pathmonk uses social proof for building credibility

3. Grabbing your visitors’ attention before they leave

Videos can capture attention quickly, which is critical when your visitors are seconds away from leaving your site. A well-placed video has the power to pull in your audience and keep them interested in what you have to offer.

Compared to a static explanation, videos are dynamic and visually stimulating, offering a richer experience that holds viewers’ attention longer. Whether it’s through motion, sound, or a compelling narrative, videos can communicate your message in a way that encourages visitors to stay, absorb the information, and explore further, reducing bounce rates and keeping potential leads engaged.

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What are the benefits of educating your prospects early on?

Simply put, educating your potential buyers in the early stages of the customer journey reduces uncertainty and addresses potential objections before they arise. This proactive approach creates a more informed and engaged audience, leading to smoother sales conversations and higher chances of conversion. 

Reducing friction in the sales process

Remember what we mentioned before? Many potential buyers hesitate to move forward because they don’t fully understand your offering or how it solves their problem. Confusion and doubt are two of the biggest roadblocks when it comes to making a purchase decision. Educating your prospects in the awareness stage eliminates this confusion by addressing common questions and providing clarity right from the start. By helping them understand what your product does and how it fits their needs, you remove the guesswork and reduce hesitation.

When your prospects know what they’re getting, they’re far more likely to feel confident taking the next step—whether it’s booking a demo, signing up for a free trial, or making a purchase. In short, early education helps remove the friction that can otherwise slow down or even derail a potential sale.

Shortening the buyer’s journey

When prospects are educated from the get-go, they’re able to move through the sales funnel much faster. Instead of spending time trying to figure out what your product does or how it works, they already have a clear understanding. This means they don’t have to wait for explanations or additional research—they’re primed and ready to act.

This not only shortens the overall buyer’s journey but also means your sales team can focus more on closing deals rather than spending time educating leads who are still unsure of what you offer. A faster journey means quicker results and more efficient use of your resources.

Setting the foundation for long-term relationships

Educating your prospects isn’t just about closing a single sale—it’s about building long-term relationships. When you take the time to provide valuable, clear information early on, your prospects start to trust your brand as a reliable source of knowledge. This trust forms the foundation for a strong, ongoing relationship.

Customers who feel confident and informed from the beginning are more likely to become loyal advocates of your brand. They’ll trust that your product delivers on its promises, and they’ll keep coming back for more. Plus, when you continue to educate and offer value post-purchase, you reinforce this trust, encouraging long-term customer loyalty and repeat business. In the end, it’s not just about getting that first sale—it’s about creating lifelong customers.

Happier, returning customers

An educated customer tends to be a happy customer. When prospects fully understand your product before they buy, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their purchase because they know exactly what to expect. This level of clarity reduces buyer’s remorse and boosts overall satisfaction.

Happy customers are not only more likely to return for repeat business but are also more likely to recommend your brand to others. Word of mouth is incredibly powerful, and by educating your customers early, you’re setting the stage for positive reviews, referrals, and organic growth for your business. The more your customers understand and appreciate your product, the more likely they are to become your brand ambassadors.

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How Pathmonk leverages video content to increase your conversions

Pathmonk makes sure your videos are seen by the right visitors at the perfect moment. By using advanced intent-data technology, Pathmonk analyzes user behavior in real time to understand when your video content will have the greatest impact. 

The result? Your videos are shown when they’re most likely to engage visitors, increase awareness, and drive conversions.

Intelligent intent-data analysis

Pathmonk’s technology tracks and analyzes user behavior in real time as visitors interact with your website. It gathers key insights about how users navigate your pages, what content they engage with, how long they spend on certain sections, and whether they interact with critical touchpoints like product pages or CTAs. This data is crucial because it reveals the level of interest and intent a visitor has toward your offering.

Based on this intent-data, Pathmonk identifies whether a user is at an early awareness stage—where they might not fully understand your product—or if they’re closer to making a purchasing decision. The AI continuously learns from these behaviors, refining its understanding of your visitors and ensuring that your corporate video content is presented at the optimal moment.

Personalized video delivery based on behavior

Once Pathmonk detects the appropriate user intent, it triggers your corporate video content when it’s most likely to have an impact. For example, if a visitor lingers on a product page but hasn’t yet clicked on a CTA, this might indicate that they need more information or reassurance. At this stage, Pathmonk can automatically display an educational or testimonial video to address common questions and build trust.

Alternatively, for visitors at the awareness stage—those who are still exploring and unfamiliar with your brand—Pathmonk may display a brand introduction or explainer video that simplifies your message. This helps visitors gain a clearer understanding of what your company offers, increasing their knowledge and guiding them further along their journey.

Increasing conversions through timely engagement

By showing video content only when it’s relevant to the user’s behavior, Pathmonk maximizes engagement and drives conversions more effectively. When visitors are provided with exactly the right information at the right time—whether it’s an explanation of product features, a customer testimonial, or a demo—they’re more likely to take action. 

This personalized approach removes friction, answers key questions, and encourages prospects to move confidently toward the next step.

How Thrive Learning increased +117 high-ticket leads with educational videos

Thrive Learning, a leader in e-learning solutions, faced a common challenge—attracting customers while ensuring they understood their complex offerings. Despite substantial website traffic, their conversion rates for high-ticket demo requests remained low, largely because potential customers weren’t engaging with the content at critical points in the buyer’s journey.


To address this, Thrive Learning turned to Pathmonk’s AI-powered solution, focusing on leveraging educational introduction videos during the awareness stage. These videos played a key role in capturing the attention of early-stage visitors by simplifying Thrive’s complex product offerings and clearly communicating the value proposition right from the start.

By using Pathmonk’s intent-based technology, these videos were strategically shown to visitors at the optimal moment—when the AI detected they were likely unfamiliar with Thrive’s services. This approach helped bridge the knowledge gap, guiding potential high-ticket leads through a more personalized and informative journey.

As a result, Thrive Learning saw a 117% increase in high-ticket leads. The introduction videos, paired with personalized experiences throughout the user’s journey, kept visitors engaged longer, reduced bounce rates, and significantly improved lead quality.

By providing clear, educational content at the awareness stage, Thrive Learning was able to build trust early on, making it easier for potential clients to move forward in the decision-making process and ultimately request demos.

How to add Pathmonk to your marketing strategy

Step 1: Set up your Pathmonk account

Setting up your Pathmonk account is straightforward and hassle-free. Here’s how to get started:

  • Preview with our interactive demo: If you prefer to see how Pathmonk will work on your website before making a commitment, take advantage of our personalized interactive demo. This allows you to explore the features and benefits at your own pace.
  • Schedule a demo call: For those who prefer a more personalized touch, you can schedule a call with our team for a tailored product demo. We’re here to answer any questions and help you understand how Pathmonk can specifically benefit your business.

To get started, simply visit our Pricing page and select the plan that fits your needs. We charge based on the pageviews your website receives, ensuring you only pay for what you need. 

Step 2: Implement your cookieless snippet

After purchase, you will receive a unique Pathmonk snippet. This is a simple copy-and-paste action, which can be done through your platform’s backend or with Google Tag Manager installation instructions.

Step 3: Automatically create website experiences:

Pathmonk will utilize your existing website content to automatically generate personalized microexperiences for your visitors.

These microexperiences are tailored to engage users and guide them towards conversion, leveraging Pathmonk’s AI to optimize the customer journey seamlessly.

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