AI Revolution in Recruitment | Stanislaw Wasowicz from Scotty AI


In this enlightening episode, we welcome Stanislaw Wasowicz, co-founder of Scotty AI, an innovative AI agent orchestration platform revolutionizing talent acquisition and HR processes.

Stanislaw shares how Scotty AI is transforming the recruitment industry by automating knowledge work and improving the experience for all stakeholders.

He discusses the company’s focus on large enterprises, their partnership-driven growth strategy, and the potential of AI to replace human labor in various sectors.

Stanislaw also provides insights into the future of conversational AI in B2B sales and website interactions, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of AI in reshaping business operations and customer experiences.

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Stanislaw Wasowicz: Really good. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Ernesto: It’s a pleasure to have you on, and I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, Stan, wondering what Scotty AI is all about. So, in your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Stanislaw: We like to categorize ourselves as an AI agent orchestration platform. We are focused on automating knowledge work, human labor really, in business-to-business processes. And, we found a really interesting niche in the talent acquisition and HR space where our solution can solve a lot of problems, save a lot of money, and improve the experience for everyone involved.

Ernesto: Definitely important. So, for our listeners who are tuned in, could you give them a good understanding of Scotty AI? Stan, what would you say is the key problem that you guys like to solve for clients?

Stanislaw: It’s really simple. Employers are saying they can’t find talent, and people are saying they can’t find a job. If the recruitment HR industry looks at itself honestly, they’d quickly come to the conclusion that they are, in fact, part of the problem. I’ve been part of this industry for over a decade and a half. If you ask anyone—whether it’s a hiring manager or someone trying to find a job—if they really want to talk to recruiters, most would say no. They see them as a necessary evil, standing between them and making a hire or landing a job. Yes, they’re polite to recruiters and HR people because they want to prioritize them, but if they find something quicker, better, faster, or cheaper, they’re quick to switch. With the massive technological advancements in AI, we believe we are one of those solutions.

Ernesto: That’s awesome to hear. I think a lot of people are interested in something like that. So, is there a certain vertical segment that you guys like to target, or is it pretty broad?

Stanislaw: You can go extremely broad with a platform like ours. In our startup phase, we’ve already done good business across a variety of use cases—museums that want to provide more information about their artwork, housing corporations, government entities needing to gather information from constituents, etc. But right now, we’ve found that the recruitment and HR space is where the problem is extremely evident. Everyone can relate to it. We’re focusing on that niche right now, with the bigger, the better. Most of our pipeline and customers are publicly listed companies with more than 10,000 FTE. The largest deal I just closed last week was with a company with 538,000 FTE across multiple languages and 50 countries.

Ernesto: Definitely, that’s significant. And for our listeners who are tuned in, they can visit you at What role does the website currently play for the company?

Stanislaw: It should be way more powerful. Our technology is capable of having conversations in 140 languages and scaling to half a million conversations at a time, which can have a massive impact on websites. The website should be a conversational experience. We’re aiming to launch that in the next few months, where Scotty AI will greet visitors. Eventually, I want to take it further—when someone books a demo through our website, instead of expecting a salesperson, they’ll be interacting with our AI.

Ernesto: Definitely, important. Let’s switch gears a little, Stan, and talk about you as a leader. As co-founder of Scotty AI, what are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?

Stanislaw: The number one role of a leader is setting a north star, creating a strategy, and ensuring that everyone is working toward it. I communicate this strategy regularly. Being a startup, I’m still very hands-on—whether it’s preparing for events or being involved in the sales process. I also have a head of customer success who reports to me, but I stay quite involved in that area too. And on top of that, we’re raising funds, which is almost like a separate job.

Ernesto: Definitely, important. Let’s jump into our rapid-fire round. Are you ready?

Stanislaw: Yeah, let’s do it.

Ernesto: First off, what’s the last book you read?

Stanislaw: Hacking Darwin—it’s about genetic engineering and the perfect storm we’re seeing with algorithms and robotics. It’s fascinating.

Ernesto: Interesting! Next, if there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you’d like to fix for your role as a marketer?

Stanislaw: The conversation. Hyper-personalizing the experience and journey for everyone, because no one’s situation is exactly the same.

Ernesto: Great to hear. Lastly, with all your experience in marketing, what’s one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were starting your career today?

Stanislaw: I’d embrace technology sooner. If I could go back, I’d dive into the tech world much earlier because that’s the future.

Ernesto: Definitely. It’s been a pleasure having you on, Stan. Before we end, what’s one thing our listeners should remember about Scotty AI?

Stanislaw: AI is replacing human labor. It’s both a tool of destruction and creation. Scotty AI allows you to create the world you want to live in.

Ernesto: There you have it! Check them out at Let Scotty do the talking. Thanks so much for joining us, Stan, and to our listeners, thank you for tuning in. I’m looking forward to our next episode at Pathmonk Presents.

Stanislaw: It was a pleasure. Thank you, Ernesto.