Unlocking the Power of AI-Driven Marketing Analytics | Kıvanç Ünal from Orphex


In this episode, we welcome Kıvanç Ünal, co-founder and CEO of Orphex, a revolutionary AI-driven marketing analytics platform. 

Kıvanç shares his journey from digital marketing expert to entrepreneur, explaining how Orphex simplifies the complex world of marketing data. He discusses the challenges of integrating multiple data sources, the importance of understanding customer behavior, and how AI can provide actionable insights to improve marketing ROI. Kıvanç also offers valuable advice on website optimization, lead generation, and the significance of behavioral economics in marketing strategy. 

This episode is a must-listen for marketers seeking to leverage AI and data analytics to drive business growth.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro-experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us on pathmonk.com. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Kıvanç from Orphex, co-founder and CEO. How are you doing today, Kıvanç?

Kıvanç Ünal: Yeah, I’m doing fine, Ernesto. How are you doing?

Ernesto: I’m doing great. Great! Thank you so much for connecting. We’re on opposite sides of the world, so awesome to have you on today’s episode.

Kıvanç: Thank you for inviting me. It’s really great for me to be here. It’s a great pleasure.

Ernesto: Awesome, Kıvanç! Well, let’s kick it off, right? I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, wondering what Orphex is all about. So in your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Kıvanç: Yeah, well, I’ve been doing digital marketing and analytics for more than ten years. In that time, I became aware that we’re dealing with too many platforms and data, trying to make useful insights from it. The hardest part is gathering and cleaning this data, plus managing so many dimensions and metrics from different platforms. After ten years of experience, I decided to make the life of digital marketers easier. So, we built Orphex. Orphex brings all the data from your digital marketing platforms, cleans it, and analyzes it for you. After analyzing the data, it gives you actionable recommendations to improve your marketing ROI. For example, you might have investments in Meta, Google Ads, and your website, but every time you want to create insights or take action, it takes a lot of effort to handle the data. With Orphex, you just connect your platforms, and we give you the results and actionable recommendations to maximize your ROI. We try to find the truth behind the data patterns, with cross-platform analysis and AI-driven insights.

Ernesto: Okay, great. So, for our listeners to get a good understanding of Orphex, what would you say is the key problem that you help clients solve?

Kıvanç: When dealing with data, there’s a lot of granularity—looking at platform details, creatives, audiences, and metrics about user behavior on your platform. You need many people to fully understand what’s going on with customers and to act on it. The hardest part is gathering and connecting data from all these platforms. You’re never sure if you’re looking at the right data, and different platforms might show different results. Orphex compares data from all platforms, creates a single source of truth, and provides reasoning behind it so that every decision you make is data-driven. We save you time and effort so you can focus on taking action, rather than spending hours trying to make sense of different data sources.

Ernesto: Alright, great! And for our listeners who want to visit you, they can check you out at Orphex.co. What role does your website play in client acquisition?

Kıvanç: Normally, I think it plays a vital role for us, but I feel like we could improve conversions on the website. What we do is complex, and it’s hard to explain to customers right away. Most of our lead generation depends on explaining our product through content. We’re trying to improve our website’s conversion rates, but we need to invest more in this area. Maybe we could work with Pathmonk to figure out how to optimize it, right?

Ernesto: Definitely! So, are there any tools or tips you would recommend for website lead generation?

Kıvanç: Yeah, well, I think it’s important to understand the user experience. It’s not just about looking at numbers—you need to know what users are thinking and doing on your website. Not every visitor is looking for the same thing, so you need to create a personalized experience for different users. That’s crucial for improving lead generation.

Ernesto: Very important insight. Let’s switch gears a bit and talk about you as a leader. As the co-founder and CEO of Orphex, what are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?

Kıvanç: Yeah, I have super high-level ADHD, so I focus on almost everything that’s going on daily. I have a computer science background, so for the last few months, I’ve been building the recommendation algorithm based on AI for our product. I love working more than 16 or 18 hours a day, so I do coding, manage the team, and more. I’m really into all the details of what’s happening at Orphex, which maybe my team doesn’t always love, but that’s how I roll!

Ernesto: Definitely sounds like a packed schedule! Let’s move on to our next section, which is our rapid-fire question round. Are you ready for them?

Kıvanç: Yeah, I’m ready!

Ernesto: First up, what’s the last book you read?

Kıvanç: The last book I read was “Flow.” It’s about making decisions and optimizing your experience in life and work. I think every entrepreneur should read it—it helps you understand the psychology behind what we do.

Ernesto: Sounds interesting! Next, if there were no boundaries in technology, what’s the one thing you’d fix for your role as a marketer today?

Kıvanç: I would want to fully understand the human psychology behind decision-making. If I could clearly grasp how people make decisions, I could create even more effective marketing strategies.

Ernesto: I love that! And if there’s one repetitive task you could automate, what would it be?

Kıvanç: Definitely documentation and debriefs. I have ADHD, so writing things down can be a struggle. Automating documentation would save a lot of time and energy.

Ernesto: I hear you on that! Lastly, with all your experience, what’s one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer?

Kıvanç: I’d tell myself to focus more on understanding human behavior and the psychology behind why people do what they do. In the beginning, I spent too much time on the technical side of things, but understanding people is key to great marketing.

Ernesto: That’s fantastic advice. Well, we’re coming to the end of today’s episode, Kıvanç, but before we wrap up, if someone forgets everything else from today’s interview, what’s the one thing they should remember about Orphex?

Kıvanç: Every decision you make should be based on real data patterns. Don’t just rely on basic numbers—dig deeper to understand the true insights in your data.

Ernesto: Great takeaway. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, and to our listeners, check out Orphex at Orphex.co. Kıvanç, thank you for being with us today, and thanks to our listeners for tuning in. I’m looking forward to our next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Kıvanç!

Kıvanç: Thank you, Ernesto, for having me. It was great talking with you.

Ernesto: Thank you!