Allow Your Website to Function as a Conversion Engine| Interview with Thomas Armitage from Site-Seeker


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In terms of the marketing world, digital marketing offers a unique perspective from the traditional forms of advertising and marketing. The digital world offers tracking; a way to see who is engaging and how much reach you have in the big wide world of the web. Site-Seeker is not only a digital marketing solutions expert but a well-seasoned team of expertise paying attention to analytics and data analysis. They provide you with rich data and various packages to automate your marketing and advertising processes.  

As word-of-mouth and referrals are their biggest form of client acquisition they allow their website to function as a conversion engine. It is a perfect resource to provide all the information required for those customers who are beyond the awareness stage. The website now allows for an opportunity to convert the leads with valuable content. Thomas Armitage, who leads the marketing team, notes the importance of rich and well-created content that he hopes to perfect as a short-term goal in order to draw in those quality leads.

With intelligent customer journey mapping Site-Seeker aims to attack the visitor at the right stage in the buying cycle. As a goal for both their clients and themselves, they hope to provide the perfect content and utilize their website as a conversion engine with automated optimization and high-quality lead generation. Well, Site-Seekers we have the same goal for all our clients.