Cracking the Code on B2B Software Marketing | Nadine Kreutz from Generic De


In this episode, we welcome Nadine Kreutz, Marketing Manager at Generic De, a German software company specializing in customized solutions based on Microsoft technology. 

Nadine shares insights into Generic De’s focus on clean code development and their approach to solving complex B2B software challenges. She discusses the importance of website optimization for lead generation, content marketing strategies, and brand building. Nadine also offers valuable advice for marketers, emphasizing the significance of clear messaging, a strong online presence, and maintaining a balanced perspective in the fast-paced marketing world. 

This episode provides practical tips for B2B marketers and software professionals alike.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Nadine from Generic De, marketing manager with them. How are you doing today, Nadine?

Nadine Kreutz: I am very good, Ernesto. Thanks for the invitation.

Ernesto: It’s great to have you on. Well, let’s kick it off, right? I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, wondering what Generic De is all about. So, Nadine, in your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Nadine: Generic De is a company from Germany. It’s a software company, and we produce individually customized software based on Microsoft technology. The company has existed for 25 years, and our key focus is on clean code development. Clean code development means that we try to discover together with our customers the best possible solution to solve their IT problems, whatever they might be. You can compare it a little bit to building a house. If you build a house, it can look fantastic from the outside, but if you go in, there might be water in the basement, or there is some rust, and you don’t know where it comes from. That is something that is probably because you have not planned it correctly, and it’s called technical debt in software development. This is something we try to avoid with clean code development.

Ernesto: Okay, great. Great to hear that. So, Nadine, so that our listeners who are tuned in get a good understanding of Generic De, what would you say is the key problem that you guys like to solve for clients?

Nadine: The key problem is a little hard to explain because there isn’t just one key problem that we resolve. Generally, you can say that a customer from the B2B area may have a problem, for example, two machines that aren’t working together or not communicating, and we try to find a solution for that. We also dive deep into the process to understand what solution is required. Should I give you an example to make it more concrete?

Ernesto: Yes, definitely.

Nadine: For example, one of our customers produces complex machinery and has trouble integrating different systems within a factory. We come in, analyze the problem, and create software solutions to make these systems communicate smoothly, thus optimizing productivity.

Ernesto: Got it. So, is there a certain vertical segment for you? Is there an ideal ICP?

Nadine: For Generic De, the ideal customer is someone from machine construction. We have a lot of customers from that sector. We search for customers with large-scale projects, so not small companies, but bigger ones, and we prefer projects that last for a few months, ideally at least half a year.

Ernesto: Okay, great. How would someone usually find out about Generic De? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Nadine: The website is the number one thing for us. Though I should mention, I’ve only been with Generic De for a few weeks, so I’m still getting into the deeper processes.

Ernesto: Great. And for our listeners who want to check you out, they can visit Generic De. What role do you think the website plays in website lead generation?

Nadine: I think it’s crucial. If you don’t have a good website that converts well, you can’t do business today. There are so many competitors out there. Even if you have the best product or service, if people don’t find your website, or if they find it and don’t understand what you’re offering, they won’t buy from you.

Ernesto: Makes sense. So, are there any tools or methods you’d recommend for website lead generation?

Nadine: I don’t want to emphasize specific tools because I think what you need is a good mixture—SEO strategy, SEA, and so on. But the key is being crystal clear about what you do and what you offer. You need one key message and repeat it across different channels so your customers truly understand what you’re offering and how you can solve their problems.

Ernesto: Great advice. Let’s switch gears a little, Nadine, and talk about you as a leader at Generic De. You’ve been there for a few weeks, but what are some key tasks you’re focusing on daily?

Nadine: I’m focused on content marketing and brand building because I believe a strong brand is key to a good marketing mix. I’m currently doing a lot of work on LinkedIn, preparing blog articles, and working with my boss on improving the website for lead generation. We’re also focusing on the industries we want to target and refining our strategy.

Ernesto: Nice! And how do you stay up-to-date with marketing trends and news? Any preferred channels?

Nadine: I love LinkedIn. I follow many great people there and enjoy reading their content. I’m not much of a video person, though I listen to podcasts occasionally. Mostly, I prefer reading articles and engaging with others. I also enjoy barcamps because you can meet people face-to-face and exchange ideas in more detail.

Ernesto: Barcamps sound interesting! Let’s move to our rapid-fire questions. Are you ready?

Nadine: Yes, go ahead!

Ernesto: Awesome. First off, what is the last book you read?

Nadine: It was Psychotherapist by Karen Slaughter.

Ernesto: Interesting read! If there were no boundaries in technology, what’s the one thing you’d like to fix in your role as a marketer today?

Nadine: Anything related to Excel!

Ernesto: A lot of people would agree with you on that one! Is there one repetitive task you’d love to automate?

Nadine: Probably something related to Excel again. It can be overwhelming.

Ernesto: Fair enough! Lastly, with your experience in marketing, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give yourself if you were starting again?

Nadine: Don’t take things too seriously. It’s important to love what you do, but also remember we’re not performing open-heart surgery. Have fun with it and don’t let the small stuff get to you.

Ernesto: Great advice, Nadine! Thank you for sharing that. We’re coming to the end of the show, but before we go, what’s the one thing listeners should remember about Generic De?

Nadine: We are a great software supplier!

Ernesto: Absolutely! Listeners, you can check them out at Generic De, where they are developing the right solutions the right way. Nadine, thank you so much for being with us today. To our listeners, thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to the next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks, Nadine.

Nadine: Thank you so much! Have a nice day.