Crafting Unique Digital Products | Cláudia Pereira from Pixel Matters


In this episode, we welcome Cláudia Pereira, Marketing Manager at Pixel Matters, a design-driven software development agency. 

Cláudia shares insights on creating top-quality digital products while building strong client relationships. She discusses Pixel Matters’ focus on mid-market and enterprise clients, particularly in the healthcare industry. Cláudia delves into effective lead generation strategies, the importance of website optimization, and her role in aligning marketing efforts with business goals. 

Listeners will gain valuable tips on staying updated with marketing trends, leadership development, and the significance of community engagement in the B2B marketing landscape.

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Cláudia Pereira: I’m doing great. Thank you for inviting me to your podcast.

Ernesto: Thank you so much for being with me today. And, Cláudia, well, let’s kick it off. I’m sure our listeners are tuning in, wondering what Pixel Matters is all about. So in your own words, can you tell us a little bit more?

Cláudia: Yeah, sure. Pixel Matters is a software development agency. So we work on digital products from Moveo apps to web apps to marketing websites. Actually, the name says it all—Pixel Matters. We are very design-driven. We create and stand out for creating top-quality digital products while developing great relationships along the way. We’re not project-oriented where we’re just ticking boxes. We actually look for building relationships with our customers.

Ernesto: Definitely important. And so that our listeners can get a good understanding of Pixel Matters, what would you say is the key problem you guys like to solve for clients?

Cláudia: Okay, so, different clients come to us at different stages of their products. We usually serve as an extension of their engineering or design teams. The main problems can vary from outdated products they need to revamp in terms of technology, to startups needing to get their digital products to market by a specific deadline. In other cases, they are bringing new products to market. So usually these are the main problems we handle, in terms of development and design, for different types of companies at different stages.

Ernesto: Okay, great, great. Is there a certain vertical segment or an ideal ICP that you guys like to focus on?

Cláudia: Yeah, we are currently focusing mainly on mid-market and enterprise. Usually, our ICPs go from companies with 50-200 employees. We are industry-agnostic, even though we are currently positioning Pixel Matters in the healthcare industry as a specialized partner for development and design services.

Ernesto: Okay, great. And how would someone usually find out about Pixel Matters? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Cláudia: We have one top acquisition channel—like many agencies, we get a lot of referrals from previous or current clients. For example, a VP of Product might leave a company, join a new one, and refer us if there’s a need to revamp a website or create a new Moveo app. Clutch is another key channel for us—it’s a marketplace for agencies where we get a lot of leads. I also want to mention that we are in a B2B environment, so our sales cycle is long, with multiple decision-makers involved. The acquisition channel can vary depending on the persona within the sales cycle.

Ernesto: So, for our listeners, they can visit you at What role does your website play in client acquisition?

Cláudia: Our website acts as a confirmation of what kind of partner we are and what our approach is in development and design partnerships. It helps decision-makers—like VPs of Product, CTOs, or Heads of Design—understand our expertise. We also use it for brand awareness, and while most of our content is focused on developers and designers, it helps build a community as well.

Ernesto: Okay, great! Awesome to hear that. Are there any tools, tips, or methods you recommend for website lead generation?

Cláudia: Yes. The first thing is having great positioning and messaging, as it goes a long way in making sure visitors know what sets your business apart. Second, it’s important to have a conversion mindset across teams, not just marketing. Also, you need to keep the website updated, so having a good, functional backend engine and maybe some automation is key. Lastly, an experimental mindset is important—don’t just trust your gut; test things, whether it’s A/B testing or using data to make decisions.

Ernesto: Great insights! Let’s switch gears a bit and talk about you as a leader. What are some key tasks you focus on day-to-day as the marketing manager?

Cláudia: Right now, I manage a marketing team that includes a social media manager, content manager, and designer. My responsibilities include guiding the team and making sure they have the tools and processes to succeed. I also make sure that marketing helps the company by aligning our goals with business objectives. I usually start by asking the C-suite how marketing can help achieve the company’s goals for the quarter or year.

Ernesto: Thank you for sharing that. How do you stay up to date with marketing trends? Any preferred channels?

Cláudia: I’m more of a newsletter person than a podcast person. I follow about three or four newsletters. I also use Basecamp’s email service, which has a feature called “the feed,” making it easy to read newsletters like scrolling through a LinkedIn feed. LinkedIn is another go-to resource for me, where I follow people who share insights in areas like product marketing and content marketing.

Ernesto: Great strategies. Now, let’s jump into our rapid-fire question round. Ready?

Cláudia: Yeah, sure!

Ernesto: First off, what’s the last book you read?

Cláudia: I recently read “Crossing the Chasm” and “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.” The latter is a great read for anyone developing leadership skills, with lessons shared through storytelling.

Ernesto: If there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you would fix in your role as a marketer?

Cláudia: I’d love to have a dashboard that shows all the analytics—social media, Google Analytics, CRM data—all in one place!

Ernesto: What’s one repetitive task you’d like to automate?

Cláudia: Integrating everything into one workflow—calendars, to-do lists, Basecamp, Slack—it would be amazing to have everything synced in one place.

Ernesto: Lastly, what advice would you give yourself if you were starting your marketing journey today?

Cláudia: Don’t be afraid to be more active and reach out to the community. Engaging with others in your field is invaluable for gaining insights and sharing challenges.

Ernesto: That’s great advice! And before we wrap up, what’s one thing people should remember about Pixel Matters?

Cláudia: It’s not just the pixels that matter at Pixel Matters—we focus on building great relationships and have a strong company culture that sets us apart.

Ernesto: Awesome! Thanks again, Cláudia. To our listeners, check out Pixel Matters at Thanks for tuning in, and see you on the next episode of Pathmonk Presents.

Cláudia: Thank you!