Enhancing Marketing Strategies through Revenue Analytics | Madhu Puranik from Revlitix


In the episode of Pathmonk Presents, we are excited to welcome Madhu Puranik, Founder and CEO of Revlitix, to our show. 

Revlitix stands out as an ingenious revenue analytics platform that has been meticulously crafted to provide sales and marketing teams with a powerful blend of automation and artificial intelligence

Madhu is set to provide our audience with invaluable insights into the intricate workings of Revlitix, shedding light on its remarkable ability to dismantle data silos. By doing so, the platform offers a panoramic perspective on performance, thereby expediting decision-making processes and ultimately propelling revenue growth to unprecedented levels.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of customers don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition. Online, Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us out on pathmonk.com. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Madhu Puranik from Revlitix, Founder and CEO. How are you doing today, Madhu?

Madhu Puranik: Hey, I’m doing good. Thanks for having me.

Ernesto: It’s great to have you. We’re discussing a little bit about Revlitix. You guys are starting up, so it’s good to have you on. Let’s give our listeners what they are tuning in for. What is Revlitix, in your own words, Madhu?

Madhu: The way we came up with the name, it is revenue and analytics. So you put that together as Revlitix. Revlitix is a revenue analytics platform. We help sales and marketing teams to tenfold their efforts without having to hire new resources through automation and AI. In short, we break data silos, we give them a single view of what’s happening, and help them make decisions faster so that they can also see the impact very quickly.

Ernesto: Definitely. That’s super important, right? Because I mean, I don’t want to assume here, but what would you say is the key problem that you guys like to solve?

Madhu: The key problem we solve is twofold. One is the analytics aspect, where I personally believe that traditional analytics is broken for sales and marketing teams. You have the spreadsheet hell where everybody dumps everything into Excel and starts doing things together. You have tools that don’t give you visibility in terms of what’s working. There’s this famous saying, “I know 50% of my spend is working; I just don’t know which 50%.” It’s about that. Bringing more visibility from an analytics point of view and also bringing more automation. It’s 2024, and we see a lot of people still doing manual tasks that could be and should be automated. Why does everybody have to come and dump things in Excel, do manual VLOOKUPs, write formulas, and keep checking for things? These things should be automated. Our platform helps provide that as well. They can build rules where we do smart monitoring of their KPIs, processes, and pipeline, then give them notifications or alerts when things are not working as they should.

Ernesto: Awesome. Great to hear that. Is there a specific vertical segment or an ideal ICP for you guys?

Madhu: Yes. Our customers who see a lot of success with our product typically have at least $10 million in revenue and up. That’s where they feel the pain. Anything less than that, they’re more in a product-market fit journey. We are sector agnostic. Our customers range from healthcare companies to enterprise tech, AI enterprise companies, fleet management, financial services. We are spread across the board.

Ernesto: Perfect. Great to hear that. How do these industries usually find out about Revlitix?

Madhu: We have both inbound and outbound machines. We do a lot of blogs, and our SEO is very strong. We get thousands of views and at least 20 to 50 inbound form submissions through organic traffic. We do a lot of email campaigns for brand awareness, attend events, and talk about our platform. Inbound is driving more demand. We also run Google and LinkedIn ads, which contribute to the brand. A small part of our outbound involves reps cold-calling and reaching out, but that’s a minor contribution to the overall demand generation engine.

Ernesto: Perfect. Great to hear that. As far as your website, so that our listeners can visit you, they can check you out at revlitix.com. What role does the website play in client acquisition?

Madhu: The website plays a very critical role. We have standard tools like IP de-anonymization. We see repetitive users coming to the website, checking out product tours, reading blogs. We post a lot of industry benchmark reports. People come back to the website, go through the product tours, and see what the product does even before talking to us. We have use cases and other resources ungated. From a qualification point of view, our typical customers spend a lot of time on the website understanding what we do, seeing how it could benefit them, and then they fill out a form to reach out to us for a demo.

Ernesto: Great to hear that. On that note, are there any tools, tips, or methods you recommend to our listeners for website lead generation?

Madhu: SEO is pretty important. Do the basics—make sure all your blogs are indexed, and you have link building in place. We realized that we needed to build a lot of links on the backend. Just building those links significantly increased our organic presence. Keep your messaging simple. Initially, we wanted to say, “We are the world’s best revenue analytics software,” but people didn’t know what that meant. Talk to them in their own language. Show them the product before you force them to take a demo. Product tours have been very helpful for us. We do product tours by features, by use cases, and guide users throughout the website. Even if they’re reading a blog, there’s always a loading angle that says, “Check out this feature,” and it’s a product tour. They can see how the product looks without giving their email or entering any information. These things help from an awareness point of view. Other hacks like indexing, guest blog posts, landing pages, tracking, and scripts are also important.

Ernesto: Great. Thank you for sharing those tips and methods. Let’s switch gears a bit, Madhu, and talk about you as a leader. As the founder and CEO of Revlitix, what are some key tasks you focus on in your day-to-day work?

Madhu: It varies based on the state of the company. If you had asked me three months ago versus now, it changes. A lot of my time is spent on product and engineering, building and using our product. Sitting with the product team to show them what the customer is feeling, what it’s doing. Another big chunk is talking to more customers. Speaking to at least five to six prospects a week, whether they are customers or not. Understanding their pain points, emotions, and how to help them get to where they want to be. This drives a lot of product decisions and GTM decisions. Talking to customers is probably the number one thing I do. If you don’t speak enough to them, everything else could take a U-turn because you might be spending time on the wrong thing.

Ernesto: Awesome. Great to hear that from you. It looks like you have everything in place. With all the overwhelming data in the marketing world, how do you stay up to date with new marketing strategies and trends?

Madhu: There are two places where I consume a lot of knowledge. One is LinkedIn. I have a very relevant network that I follow, and I am careful about who I follow and accept requests from. Second is communities. I am part of some open communities and some private communities where there are candid discussions about how others are doing things, what tools they are using, and how those tools are helping them. This is where I gain most of my knowledge about new tools and what’s happening.

Ernesto: Great. I love those channels as well. Let’s jump into our next section, Madhu, which is the rapid-fire question round. Are you ready for them?

Madhu: Yeah, I’m ready.

Ernesto: First off, what is the last book you read?

Madhu: “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. It’s unfortunate he just passed away a few weeks back. I’ve been reading that book again and again. I’ve read it maybe six times now.

Ernesto: Great read. If there were no boundaries in technology, what would be the one thing you want to have fixed for your role as a marketer today?

Madhu: Siloed data is the number one thing. There’s a data black box where so many things happen and you can’t track them. Fixing the dark funnel would be the number one tech I wish for.

Ernesto: I agree. If there is one repetitive task you could automate, what would that be?

Madhu: Mundane audit work. Checking if things are done, if opportunities are updated. I just want none of it. So, automating that would be great.

Ernesto: What is one piece of advice you would give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer today?

Madhu: Talk more to customers. Understand their pain points and emotions. All of them together drive decisions. Don’t wait to be perfect. Even if you think it’s a shitty product, ship it out. The customers will give you feedback that will help you improve. So, talk to customers and ship fast. Don’t try to be perfect.

Ernesto: Great advice for our listeners. Madhu, I appreciate you giving us your time today. Before we end, I want to give you the last word. If someone forgets everything about the interview today, what is the one thing they should remember about Revlitix?

Madhu: With Revlitix, you can automate your manual tasks and gain insights without needing a resource. It acts as a virtual analyst, 24/7, powered by AI.

Ernesto: Awesome. Thank you so much, Madhu, for being with us today. To our listeners, you can check them out at revlitix.com. Thank you for tuning in. I’m looking forward to our next episode of Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Madhu.

Madhu: Thank you.