Mastering Client Satisfaction in Legal Marketing | Robin Saghia from Omega Law Group


In this episode, Robin Saghia, founding partner at Omega Law Group, shares his expertise on client-focused legal marketing

He delves into the significance of client satisfaction, maintaining a strong online presence, and utilizing technology to enhance the client experience. Saghia also highlights the value of word-of-mouth referrals, positive reviews, and transparent communication in building a successful personal injury law practice

This episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone looking to elevate their legal practice through client-centered approaches and innovative technologies.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in the buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us out on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Robin Saghia, founding partner at Omega Law Group. How are you doing today, Rob?

Robin Saghia: I’m doing great, Ernesto. How are you?

Ernesto: I’m doing fantastic. Thank you so much for asking. It’s Friday, almost the weekend, so looking forward to it. How about yourself, Rob?

Robin: Same. Looking forward to the weekend. Going to the Clippers game with my nephew on Sunday.

Ernesto: Oh, nice, nice. That’s always a good time. Awesome. So, let’s kick it off, Rob. In your own words, can you tell us a little bit more about Omega Law Group?

Robin: So Omega Law Group is a California plaintiffs’ personal injury law firm. We represent people that are injured, mainly in auto accidents, trip and falls, slip and falls, things like that.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect.

Robin: Awesome.

Ernesto: Great to hear that. So that way our listeners can get a good understanding of the law group at Omega. Are those the only cases you guys like to refer to, or are there other cases you take on as well?

Robin: We take on some employment cases and some sex assault cases, but our main focus is on personal injury, mainly motor vehicle accidents and trip and falls, slip and falls, things like that.

Ernesto: Yeah, so that would be like auto accidents, bicycle accidents, and even drunk driving.

Robin: Right, drunk driving. We do a lot of Uber and Lyft accidents. We represent a lot of people who are injured while they’re passengers in Uber and Lyft. We also represent a lot of Uber and Lyft drivers. We handle truck accidents, wrongful death, that sort of thing.

Ernesto: Definitely. So, say I was just in an accident. How would I usually find out about Omega Law? Is there a primary client acquisition channel for you guys?

Robin: We’re very hyper-focused on the client experience. Part of what we do is very good work for our clients. So our biggest acquisition source is prior clients and return clients. I’ve represented the same person in four different car accidents. I’ve been a lawyer for 15 years now and have represented entire families, from grandma to parents to kids over the years. Our second biggest source is online, through platforms like Yelp and Google. We have over 1,000 five-star reviews. Most people who do research online and look for a law firm with good reviews and feedback find us. There are a lot of billboard lawyers in California. Have you ever been to California?

Ernesto: Yes, correct.

Robin: So, you know there are a lot of billboards for lawyers. That’s an avenue many firms choose, but we focus on clients, prior clients, and reviews. Another thing we do is seminars. Our attorneys, particularly Lourdes, give classes to other attorneys about trying cases. We get a lot of referrals from that as well.

Ernesto: That’s important. Referrals and working with the same families say a lot about you guys because it shows trust. That’s awesome to hear, Rob. For our listeners who are tuned in, they can always check you out at What role does the website play in client acquisition?

Robin: It’s very important. Many people start their journey by reading reviews on Yelp, Google, or Bing. I’ve had multiple people tell me they were referred by a friend, then looked us up and went on our website to read about the firm, the history, and what we’ve done for prior clients. So, a lot of clients are finding us online and vetting us online after being referred. The website plays a crucial role in this process.

Ernesto: If you could give some advice to our listeners, what tools, tips, or methods would you suggest for generating website leads?

Robin: The most important thing in our industry is client satisfaction and the client experience. Happy clients often leave good reviews on Google or Yelp, which builds your online reputation. This attracts more clients who trust that you will take care of them just as well.

Ernesto: That’s definitely important.

Robin: Right.

Ernesto: Especially in the legal industry, trust goes a long way. Awesome to hear that from you guys. Let’s switch gears a bit and talk about your day-to-day work. As a founding partner at Omega Law Group, what are some key tasks you focus on daily?

Robin: The first thing I focus on in the morning is our current clients, ensuring that cases are handled smoothly by our attorneys. After that, I meet with our marketing team to review everything, from the website to blogs, content, and social media.

Ernesto: So, as a founding partner, you’re heavily involved in both practicing law and managing marketing?

Robin: That’s right. I’m currently the CMO of the firm, in addition to being one of the founding partners and regularly working on cases.

Ernesto: Sounds like you have a full plate.

Robin: Thank God we have a kick-ass marketing team. They make sure everything runs smoothly.

Ernesto: Definitely agree. You mentioned a great team. How do you stay up to date with marketing strategies and trends?

Robin: I listen to a lot of podcasts, read books, and rely on our marketing team to keep me updated on important changes, like those in SEO and PPC. It’s tough to keep up with constantly changing algorithms, but I try my best by reading blogs and listening to podcasts.

Ernesto: Great to hear. Let’s jump into our rapid-fire question round. Are you ready?

Robin: I am, yeah.

Ernesto: First off, what is the last book you read?

Robin: I just finished “Traction.”

Ernesto: Interesting read. What is one thing your firm is currently focused on the most?

Robin: The main focus is client experience and satisfaction. We’ve implemented an app that provides real-time updates on their cases, including FAQs, videos, and alerts for any updates. Everything is 100% transparent, and we like to keep clients educated and updated regularly.

Ernesto: That’s crucial, especially for clients dealing with legal matters. Waiting for updates can be stressful.

Robin: Exactly. We’ve developed a reputation as a second opinion firm. Many clients initially hire billboard lawyers but switch to us when they realize their case isn’t being handled properly. We provide a private text number for immediate responses, ensuring clients are never left in the dark.

Ernesto: That’s great to hear. What is one thing you wish you could automate in your role as a marketer?

Robin: Data tracking is crucial. It’s a lot of work to track and analyze data. Automating this process would be a game-changer.

Ernesto: If you could automate one repetitive task, what would it be?

Robin: Reviewing medical records and client files. We are in the process of implementing AI to help with this. It’s a repetitive task that takes a lot of time, especially with large volumes of records.

Ernesto: Sounds like something every attorney would want. Lastly, what advice would you give yourself if you were restarting your journey as a marketer?

Robin: Data is king. If you can’t track it, you can’t manage it. Initially, I didn’t realize the importance of data. Also, hiring the right people is crucial. You need experts in different areas to handle specific tasks. I thought I could do it all, but it’s always best to hire experienced professionals.

Ernesto: Great advice. Hiring a strong team is essential. Before we end, if someone forgets everything about this interview, what is the one thing they should remember about Omega Law?

Robin: The most important thing is client satisfaction. Every client is a walking billboard. Keep your clients happy, and you’ll do well. Marketing is important, but it’s secondary to providing excellent service to your current clients.

Ernesto: Definitely important. Listeners, always check them out at Rob, thank you so much for being with us today. To our listeners, thank you for tuning in. I look forward to our next episode on Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Rob.

Robin: Thank you. Thank you for having me.