Streamlining Social Media Management for Business Growth | Roxana Motoc from Social Bee


In this episode, we welcome Roxana Motoc, Head of Marketing at Social Bee, a comprehensive social media management tool.

Roxana shares insights on how Social Bee helps businesses save time and increase productivity by centralizing their social media efforts. She discusses their target audience, client acquisition strategies, and the importance of their website in educating and converting visitors.

Roxana also offers valuable advice on staying up-to-date with marketing trends and shares her personal approach to leadership and continuous learning in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments with relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more. Stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Roxana from Social Bee, head of marketing with them. How are you doing today, Roxana?

Roxana Motoc: Hi, thank you for having me. I’m happy to be here. It’s a lovely Tuesday for me, so I’m excited to do this interview.

Ernesto: And we’re excited as well. And I’m sure our listeners are tuning in wondering what Social Bee is all about. So, Roxana, let’s kick it off with that. In your own words, can you tell us a little bit more?

Roxana: Sure. So Social Bee, you can find us at We are a social media management tool that you can use to bring all your social media accounts into one place. So if you’re tired of managing your content in spreadsheets or just switching between tabs, try Social Bee. You will love it. We have everything from content creation to scheduling to analytics to social inbox. So yeah, briefly, social media management tool—do it all from one place.

Ernesto: Perfect. All right. And so that way our listeners, Roxana, could get a good understanding of Social Bee. What would you say is that key problem that you guys like to solve for clients?

Roxana: So it’s usually a time problem because every business is trying to be present on Instagram, on LinkedIn, on Twitter, and it can easily get to just too many profiles. Each profile has its requirements, its different content types that you need to share. So it can easily become a huge time problem. And this is something that, you know, our customers always say—they are saving way more time now that they bring everything into one place. So it’s a time problem in the end, a productivity problem, if you want to put it that way.

Ernesto: Definitely important. And I mean, everybody’s looking for time—how to get more time in the day. So awesome to hear that. And so then, is there a certain vertical segment that you guys like to go for? Is there an ideal ICP there for Social Bee?

Roxana: When it comes to size, we usually go for solopreneurs and small businesses. And if I were to name industries, it’s just all over the board because, you know, as mentioned, who doesn’t have a social media account nowadays, especially as a business? So if I were to name a few industries, it varies from real estate to coaches to churches, to artists, to agencies. So it’s all across the board.

Ernesto: Okay, awesome, great to hear that. And so then how would agencies usually find out about Social Bee? Is there a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Roxana: Lately, we’ve been growing on Google. This was a major focus for us, so organically from Google, this is, I would say, our top channel. Then we have our partners. We have a great, great network of affiliates that promote us. Word of mouth as well. So typically from Google or from our partners.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect, great to hear that. And so that way our listeners who are tuned in could go out and visit you. They could always check you out at What role then does the website play for client acquisition?

Roxana: We always joke at Social Bee that our website is never done, and I guess this says a lot about the role that our website plays in client acquisition. If you were to go to, you will obviously see that we love to highlight to a brand new visitor all the things that you can do with Social Bee. You will see how much we focused on use cases. We want to make sure that our customers understand from the beginning that you can do all of those things in Social Bee. And obviously, on our website, they can find lots of resources as well. We are trying to also position ourselves as a top leader in the industry. If you go to our resources page, you will see so many blogs, templates, and resources because this is one of the problems that, you know, our visitors have. They just don’t know where to start and what to do with their social. So I would say our website is extremely important. For one, helping them get to that place where they are comfortable just putting content out there because many of them are so insecure and unsure of what to put out there. So just helping them get started and then understanding that they no longer need to do things manually—they can automate things, they can use a tool to get the work done. So trying to switch the mentality as well—repetitive work can be changed, and you can automate.

Ernesto: Definitely important. Okay, great to hear that from Social Bee. So now, is there any tools or tips or methods that you would recommend to your listeners as far as some website lead generation?

Roxana: On our website, for example, we’ve been using Hotjar to get some insights on how people navigate the website, if some information is not clear or if something isn’t explained well. So we’ve been using Hotjar lately, and obviously all the big tools—Google Analytics, Google Search Console—we try to get as many insights as possible. We try to monitor any kind of trends, whether the numbers are going up or down, we try to monitor those. It’s a long list of tools that we are using—even ourselves as a SaaS company, we use just too many tools, I would say.

Ernesto: Definitely important. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much for sharing those tools with us, Roxana. Well, let’s switch gears a little bit then, and let’s talk about you as a leader. You being the head of marketing there for Social Bee, Roxana, what are some key tasks you like to focus on in your day-to-day work?

Roxana: My weeks look different, so one week is one way, then things kind of change, and I love it that way. I never get bored. Usually, I’m starting with my team. I want to make sure they are all set up for the week, so my team is my number one priority. Then obviously data—for everything that we are doing, I’m trying to gather as much data as possible. Then growth hacking—anything that we should be doing that we aren’t doing, that’s on my list to find those things and just support the team to get those projects done. So team, data, and anything new that we should be doing that we aren’t doing at the moment—trying to get that out the door.

Ernesto: Definitely important. It sounds like you have a full plate on your hands but really organized, so great to hear that from you, Roxana. So in the between times that you do have available, Roxana, how do you stay up to date with all the news in the marketing world as far as trends and strategies? Is there a preferred channel that you’d like to go with?

Roxana: I guess it’s a mix. I’ve been trying to subscribe to a couple of newsletters and just get those news directly delivered to my inbox. They usually have the same day when they send the newsletters, and I’m so used to it. I have one on Tuesday—so today I’m waiting for that newsletter. Definitely trying to subscribe and get things directly into my inbox. And my LinkedIn as well—it’s a great source to learn new things. What I’ve seen with LinkedIn, if you pay enough attention to the people that you’re connecting with, you will have just the feed of your dreams. So many insights that people are just sharing for free—they share even detailed tactics of what they are doing. So yeah, I’ve been active on LinkedIn for a while now, and I love it.

Ernesto: Yeah, I love it too. I mean, there’s a lot of free things that people are giving out—advice—and it’s free, right? They’ll probably let you know, “Hey, come to the webinar,” but as far as getting their attention and growing their brand, their personal brand, it’s a great way to learn from them as well. So I would agree with you on that, Roxana. Let’s jump into our next section then, here, which is our rapid fire question round. Are you ready for them?

Roxana: Yes.

Ernesto: Perfect. First off then, Roxana, what is the last book that you read?

Roxana: I know some of the listeners may expect a business book or a marketing book, but the last book I read is actually called How to Do the Work by Dr. Nicole LePera. It’s about breaking cycles and healing generational trauma. I’m trying in my spare time to switch gears a bit and just read anything that’s not related to marketing. Sometimes even marketers need a break.

Ernesto: I think one of my colleagues was recommending it. I think it talks about living healthier, happier, and taking control. So yeah, he recommended it like three weeks ago, so I’m going to have to read it now. Perfect. Next up then is if there would be no boundaries in technology, Roxana, what would be that one thing that you want to have fixed for your role as a marketer today?

Roxana: I would say probably anything related to AI lately. I feel like it is getting out of control sometimes, so I’m excited to see any changes, any fixes in the future of AI—where it goes. I’m excited to break those boundaries, definitely.

Ernesto: Right? I mean, it started last year with the big ChatGPT, but now it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop, so definitely looking forward to it as well. Then, if there’s one repetitive task that you could automate, what would that be?

Roxana: As mentioned, we as a SaaS company love to automate. So I’m not even sure we still have too many repetitive tasks to automate, but that’s a good thought. What else can I automate?

Ernesto: No, I mean, Social Bee does help with that for a lot of clients, so I would assume just in case they learn something, but if not, no worries.

Roxana: I think I got one—cold outreach. Lots of spammy emails. If I could just have a magical way to go through all of them and filter out opportunities from cold outreach, that would be great.

Ernesto: Definitely, that’s a good one there. Lastly, Roxana, you have a lot of experience already in the marketing world, but what is that one piece of advice that you would give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer today?

Roxana: I would say to trust the process because when I started out, I remember getting just too much information on all the marketing channels, and I couldn’t just put together all the information and understand how each channel works with each other. So just trust the process—the information will make much more sense as you go and do all those things. You will see in one or two years, all the information that may seem confusing now or too much—it will all make sense and it will fall into place for you.

Ernesto: Okay, awesome. Some great advice there—not just for yourself, but for our listeners, Roxana. Well, Roxana, we are coming to the end of our show today, but before we do end, I do want to give you the last word. Say someone forgets everything about the interview today. What is that one thing they should remember about Social Bee?

Roxana: Say goodbye to spreadsheets and welcome automation. It’s 2024—you’ve got to keep up with it. So say hello to automation, embrace it, use it wisely. Because obviously it’s easy to fall into a trap when you have no limits and you can automate and do so much. Use it wisely, embrace it, and trust the process.

Ernesto: Definitely. Create, recycle, schedule, publish, analyze, engage, collaborate, and approve your social media posts all from one place at Roxana, thank you so much for being on with us today. To our listeners, thank you so much for tuning in, and I’m looking forward to our next episode at Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Roxana.

Roxana: Thank you so much.