The Growing Role of a Website During the Pandemic I Interview with Miroslav Miroslavov from OfficeRND


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Although they follow a traditional and typical business model OfficeRND offers a product perfect for the revolution of what our work life is and will possibly continue to be. They provide a co-working and flexible management program. This is possibly exciting for some of you, as you adapt to the challenge of remote team-working. However, they still had to adapt although their product may be perfectly suited for the current climate. We wanted to know what the growing role of a website was for them.

Miro Miroslva, the CEO and founder of the company has noticed the value a website can have in client acquisition. As they had to cut marketing and sales budgets they never stopped investing in their website. It has been and will continue to be their most valuable tool for their lead generation.

The growing role of a website, specifically in a pandemic could continue to keep your business up and running.  As OfficeRND continues to streamline and improve the top of the buying funnel they look to us to assist in the gap between landing pages and Demos. However, they have perfected their brand awareness and appeal with a stand-out look and feel instantly attractive to all eyes that are tired of their home office screens.

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