Unlocking the Full Potential of Subscription Businesses | Hrvoje Magić from Younium



In this episode, we’re joined by Hrvoje Magić, Demand Generation Manager at Younium, a subscription management solution designed for SaaS companies. 

Hrvoje shares his insights on how Younium helps businesses scale and grow efficiently, and how their tool enables finance teams to save time, reduce errors, and gain a 360-degree view of the business. We dive into the importance of subscription management, and how it can help CFOs and finance teams optimize revenue streams, reduce revenue leakage, and make data-driven decisions. 

Hrvoje also shares his approach to demand generation, marketing strategy, and client acquisition, and how Younium’s solution supports these efforts.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98 percent of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. PathMonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments with relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more.

Stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Check us on pathmonk.com. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Hrvoje demand generation manager team lead from Europe at YoYounium. How are you doing today?

Hrvoje Magić: Super nice. Thank you so much, Ernesto, for having me and thanks for Pathmonk. And of course, hello to all of the listeners of this really, really good podcast. I’m a big fan and I’m super, super grateful that you have me. One side note, this is my first podcast. I did a bunch of webinars per Younium, but this is my first marketing podcast, even though I’m in the industry for, I don’t know, like 10 years. So I’m super, super happy about it.

Ernesto: Well, we’re really excited to have you on today, Hrvoje, really excited to learn more about Younium, right? In your own words, Hrvoje, tell us about the company. What is it all about?

Hrvoje: Yeah. Great kickstart to the talk. So as you know, subscription businesses are growing rapidly. More and more companies are moving to this model of business, and subscription models are becoming more and more prevalent. Simply put, companies are switching to this type of revenue, and we have a really good foundation for various solutions that can help companies scale, grow, and operate efficiently. This is where Younium comes into play. Younium offers a subscription management solution. It’s software specially designed for SaaS companies, with offices currently in Sweden, the United States, Netherlands, and Poland, and over 160 customers. We have a really good focus because we know our positioning and where we bring the most value, which is in the SaaS industry. We are specialized for advanced B2B subscriptions.

You have major players like Zuora and Chargebee on the market. Well, Younium is a little different in that we purely focus on B2B SaaS. So that’s our ICP and our position. I can give you a couple of examples if you like.

Ernesto: Yeah, definitely.

Hrvoje: For example, subscriptions like Netflix and Spotify, you pay six euros, eight euros, or ten euros and get your monthly subscription. While in B2B SaaS, things become a bit more complicated. You won’t call Daniel from Spotify and negotiate your six euros per month. It doesn’t work like that. In B2B SaaS, things get more creative from the sales team, so the pricing gets more complex. They negotiate terms, give discounts for a month, and it can give your finance team a bit of a headache with all the complexity.

Excel and spreadsheets can help growing companies to a certain extent, but they won’t be able to manage fully. This is where Younium comes into play. It’s equipped to handle complex billing scenarios and allows you to automate billing based on accurate subscription data, ensuring you don’t miss renewals, usage rating, or invoicing. It helps push through to your revenue, preventing revenue leakage. So, this is what the tool enables your teams to do.

Ernesto: Oh, that’s great to hear. You were mentioning a little bit about the clients. Is there a segment that you guys like to focus on?

Hrvoje: Yeah, the segment is B2B SaaS. That’s our pure focus. It’s a SaaS landscape. The tool helps finance teams save time, reduce errors, and enables CFOs to have a 360 view of the business. It’s dominantly for finance teams, but it can help other functions as well, like marketing, customer marketing, and customer success teams. It can help them identify potential upsells and act as a central hub for all your tech stack. It integrates with your CRM system and enables tasks like invoicing, forecasting, and monitoring metrics through our dashboard. This way, the finance team gets a comprehensive view, and it enables them to forecast effectively.

Ernesto: Definitely. Okay, perfect. So, you had been the demand generation manager there for the Europe team lead. What is a top client acquisition channel for you guys?

Hrvoje: This is a really good question. I would say it’s actually a flywheel because every function in Younium supports the acquisition channel. Word of mouth and networking are big because we have amazing customer success and support teams. Our clients, when the fit is right, provide a lot of value and that rolls out. But we also have a really good communication, marketing, and sales team working on target accounts together. We have solid strategies and very comprehensive strategies for events. Live events are back and kicking. Our VP of marketing made an amazing process for our event strategy. On the digital side, content is key. We provide really good content libraries, blogs, and webinars to help teams learn about subscription management and make informed decisions.

Ernesto: Definitely. I have your website, younion.com, really nice scheme of colors that you have, really nice, gorgeous website. What role does the website play for your client acquisition?

Hrvoje: It plays a crucial role because we have all of this content on it. We emphasize quite a lot on learning. Our subscription experts produce content to educate our audience. The same content helps our audience make informed decisions. We have webinars, product videos, blogs about the product, and the industry, all available on the website. So, it plays a crucial role for us.

Ernesto: Definitely. That’s important for everyone. Let’s switch it up a little bit, Hrvoje, and talk about you as a leader. You being the demand generation manager for Younium. What are your key tasks on a day-to-day basis? What does that look like for you?

Hrvoje: For myself, it’s a mix between operational and strategic tasks. It’s a mix of execution and strategy. Reviewing current performances and optimizing current channels. Along with the team in Younium, I also handle a couple of external consultants, like an SEO agency. Managing all of that and trying to fine-tune it into a good machine.

Ernesto: Perfect. I want to jump into some rapid-fire questions to learn a little bit about you and the company. Go ahead and give us some short and crisp answers for our listeners.

Hrvoje: Yeah, I’m ready. Thank you.

Ernesto: On your free time, what is the last book that you read?

Hrvoje: I heard in one of your podcasts, one of your guests gave a really good answer to this. She said she divides reading books from work. I like yoga and I’m doing it quite a lot. The last book I read was Eddie Stern’s “One Simple Thing” about yoga and how it can improve your daily life.

Ernesto: That’s really good. What is one single thing that Younium is focused on at the moment the most?

Hrvoje: Supporting our clients and expanding. We are confident that we have a really good solution, so expanding is really important for us.

Ernesto: Hrvoje, if there were no boundaries in technology, what would be one thing that you want to have fixed for your role as a marketer today?

Hrvoje: If there are no boundaries in technology, then I would like to put the company’s name and get all the pain points out.

Ernesto: I think that’s everybody’s dream, right? Definitely. If there’s one repetitive task that you could automate, what would that be?

Hrvoje: I don’t know if this is a repetitive task, maybe for someone it’s a super creative task, but Google ads. Even though I have a performance background, Google ads always give me a bit of a headache when I need to fix something. So that one is a bit of a challenge, but challenges are good.

Ernesto: Definitely. You mentioned you have more than 10 years of experience in marketing. What is one piece of advice that you would give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer today?

Hrvoje: Maybe not to get stuck in the small things. In the beginning, 10 years ago, learn more Excel. That’s maybe applicable, but yeah, don’t get stuck in the small things. For example, this is something I would tell myself two years ago when I joined Younium. Think more in the bigger picture perspective and focus on that.

Ernesto: Great to hear that. Hrvoje, thanks a lot for being on the show with us today. I do want to give you the last word. If someone forgets everything about the interview today, what is the one thing they should remember about Younium?

Hrvoje: Do your research when you’re looking for a subscription management solution. Trust me, this is becoming more and more a skillset. You will see more companies requiring subscription management solution expertise or experience. We see it also with Younium. Do your research, see if the company is a fit for you, and don’t be afraid to jump on a demo call. Go into the demo call rather than picking a solution that won’t fit and you will lose in the long run. So that’s my biggest advice. Do the research.

Ernesto: Always. There you guys heard it from Hrvoje from Younium. Demand Generation Manager. Thank you so much for being with us today. If you guys want to check them out, you can check them out at Younium.com. If you have a subscription-based business, they will unlock the full potential of your subscription business. Thank you so much, Hrvoje, for being with us today, and for our listeners, check us out on our next PathMonk Presents episode.