Boosting Marketing ROI with Data-Driven Strategies | Iwen Kuhn from Matelso

Boosting Marketing ROI with Data-Driven Strategies | Iwen Kuhn from Matelso


In this episode, we speak with Iwen Kuhn, the Team Lead of Marketing at Matelso, a German company specializing in enhancing marketing and sales efforts through data-driven strategies.

Iwen shares how Matelso bridges the gap between marketing and sales by leveraging data and processes to optimize lead management and improve marketing ROI. He also discusses the importance of a well-structured website, effective client acquisition channels, and key tools like HubSpot and Microsoft Clarity for tracking and enhancing user experience.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. Add Pathmonk to your website in seconds. Let the AI do all the work and get access to 50% more qualified leads while you keep doing marketing and sales as usual. Check us on Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s talk about today’s guest. We have Iwen from Matelso, team lead of marketing there with them. How are you doing today, Iwen?

Iwen Kuhn: Hi, Ernesto, thanks for having me. I’m doing fine.

Ernesto: It’s great to have you on. We’re discussing a little bit about Matelso and what you guys are all about, but let’s kick it off with that. In your own words, tell us a little bit more.

Iwen: Yeah, thank you. Happy to do so. We are a German company, founded in 2006, with about 40 people doing software. Our mission is “marketing and sales stronger together,” so we want to combine both of these departments to get better results for the company. We focus on data and processes for digital marketing.

Ernesto: Okay, interesting, love that. So that way our listeners could get a good understanding of Matelso. What would you say is the key problem that you guys are solving for clients?

Iwen: It usually starts when there’s a combination of factors on the company side, such as having a website, generating conversational leads (meaning interactions like phone calls or chats), and spending marketing budgets to get more of these leads. These leads are hard to optimize for because they bridge the gap between what a marketer can track and what a sales conversation covers. We bridge that gap, collecting data and pushing it back to the marketing channels to make better marketing decisions and increase ROI. We also support the sales team with data and processes in lead management.

Ernesto: Alright, interesting! So is there a certain vertical or segment you focus on? Do you have an ideal ICP?

Iwen: Yes, there’s no single most important industry for us, but the setup I mentioned is common in many areas—B2B, automotive, travel, finance, IT agencies. If those factors are relevant to a company, we’re there to help.

Ernesto: Great. So how do companies usually find out about Matelso? Is there a top client acquisition channel?

Iwen: Our ideal client is often a decision-maker in marketing, and we love when they also have authority over both marketing and sales—those are our unicorns. Offline events are actually our strongest lead generator, especially in Germany and the DACH region. Search is also very important if a company already knows they have this specific need. We have a broad funnel that includes partner agencies, and now we’re expanding demand generation, particularly with paid campaigns on LinkedIn. We restarted our marketing two years ago, so in some areas, we’re still early and testing a lot, but it’s fun!

Ernesto: Awesome. And so, listeners who are tuned in can visit you at What role does the website play in client acquisition?

Iwen: It’s crucial. I call it the single point of truth because it’s the single source for our brand, story, content, and lead nurturing. Everything we do, we try to reflect on the website, guiding people from initial awareness to becoming interested and, eventually, booking an appointment or signing up for our software.

Ernesto: Interesting. On that note, any tools or tips you’d recommend for website lead generation?

Iwen: We’ve been building our setup over the past two years, so maybe my tips are more foundational. It’s crucial to structure your site to guide users through your funnel and offer relevant content at each stage. In terms of tools, having a solid tech setup with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and a CMS that works well for you is essential. We also use HubSpot for tracking and triggering workflows, and Microsoft Clarity for heat maps and click journeys. Doing your homework on tech setup is critical for effective website lead generation.

Ernesto: Great recommendations. Now let’s switch gears a bit, Iwen, and talk about you as a leader. What are some key tasks you focus on day-to-day as team lead for marketing at Matelso?

Iwen: My priority is ensuring my team is happy and doesn’t face unnecessary roadblocks, along with having the support of the company and management. I also monitor campaigns for ROI, and once a month, we critically assess costs and results. We push hard to be seen as a results-driven team rather than a cost center. I’m responsible for our martech setup, and I jump in on operational tasks when needed. An ongoing challenge for us is balancing brand, product, story, and employer branding, all of which are vital but require constant adjustment.

Ernesto: It sounds like you have a full plate! Let’s move to our rapid-fire questions. Are you ready?

Iwen: Yes, let’s go.

Ernesto: First off, what’s the last book you read?

Iwen: I’m not a big reader, but I listen to audiobooks when I’m working out or commuting. I recently went through both of Alex Hormozi’s books. They may not directly apply to what we do, but I like his hands-on approach.

Ernesto: Great choice. Next, if there were no boundaries in technology, what’s one thing you’d want fixed for your role?

Iwen: Technology is already good enough, but in Europe, regulatory boundaries limit us. Data protection and other regulations restrict how much we can use available tech. If I could change something, it would be removing those regulatory restrictions to allow us to leverage data fully.

Ernesto: Is there a repetitive task you’d like to automate?

Iwen: I’d love to automate more data quality checks, but again, regulations limit us. That would be my choice.

Ernesto: Lastly, with your experience in marketing, what advice would you give your younger self?

Iwen: Focus more on project management early on. Communication and project management skills are crucial in a leadership role, even more so than technical expertise. It’s something I’d advise myself to prioritize.

Ernesto: Fantastic advice! Iwen, we’re at the end of the show. If someone forgets everything from this interview, what’s the one thing they should remember about Matelso?

Iwen: Simple—if you work with paid marketing and generate conversations, check out what we do. Our blog and site are a goldmine for digital marketers. Visit

Ernesto: Great! And for our listeners, Matelso turns data into successful business stories. Iwen, thank you for joining us, and thanks to our listeners for tuning in. I’m looking forward to our next episode at Pathmonk Presents. Thanks a lot, Iwen.

Iwen: Thank you, Ernesto. Have a good day. Bye.

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