Delivering Excellence on Candidate Experience | Charlotte Prieur from Teamtailor

Delivering Excellence on Candidate Experience | Charlotte Prieur from Team Tailor


Join us as we chat with Charlotte Prieur from Teamtailor, an all-in-one recruitment software that simplifies the hiring process for companies and recruiters. 

Discover how Teamtailor’s innovative platform combines an applicant tracking system with a user-friendly career website builder, empowering businesses to streamline recruitment while delivering an exceptional candidate experience.

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Kevin Shirley: Hey, everybody, welcome to the Pathmonk Presents podcast. Today, we’ve got Charlotte from Teamtaylor. We’re really looking forward to having you on the show. How are you, Charlotte?

Charlotte: I’m really good. Thank you for having me.

Kevin Shirley: Excellent. Looking forward to chatting. So before we get started, a quick introduction. Pathmonk is the AI for website conversions. With increasing online competition, over 98% of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in their buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts leads on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments. With relevant micro experiences like case studies, intro videos, and much more, stay relevant to your visitors and increase conversions by 50%. By adding Pathmonk to your website in seconds, letting the AI do all the work, increasing your conversions by 50% while you do all the marketing as usual. Check us out on So, Charlotte, thanks for joining the show today again. How are you feeling?

Charlotte: I’m really good. A little nervous as it’s my first podcast. So thank you for having me.

Kevin Shirley: Of course. Welcome to the show. So, everyone, Charlotte is from Teamtaylor. I want to give her the opportunity to speak a little bit about the company. So, Charlotte, in your own words, why don’t you tell us a little bit about Teamtaylor?

Charlotte: Well, honestly, when I think about Teamtaylor, the first word that comes to my mind is caring. Teamtaylor is about caring for companies, for recruiters, for candidates, for people. Basically, we are an all-in-one recruitment software, an ATS. For those who are not familiar with the term, it’s an applicant tracking system, but also a really simple career website builder. If I have to think of some words, simple is also a good word to describe it because that’s our main goal—to make it easy for everyone to use. And pink, of course. If you see our logo, you’ll understand. Our motto is “Paint the world pink.”

Kevin Shirley: I like that very much. It matches your website. I love the design of the website, by the way. So, it sounds like you guys could have quite a few different clients, whether it be people that are looking for a job or maybe hiring as well, both sides. But maybe you can tell me a little bit more. Who are your clients? What sort of industries or verticals do you focus on? Do you have any focus areas? Why don’t you tell me all about that?

Charlotte: Of course. Well, our clients are going to be recruiters. The thing is, we work with all types of companies, all sizes. So it’s always tough for us marketers to actually create a persona—we can’t. But basically, if they are recruiting, there’s a need. Of course, if you have a high volume of jobs to fill or a lot of applications, then you are going to need an ATS even more. The problems we solve? We actually solve a couple for recruiters. When you recruit, there are a lot of time-consuming tasks that can be avoided with some automation or AI. I think we’re the proudest to offer more time for recruiters to actually focus on what matters, which is spending time with the candidates.

Kevin Shirley: I think that’s really important. Time is kind of one of those valuable things that, you know, everyone says time is money and time is valuable, but no one necessarily takes the time to think about it too much. So I think keeping that in terms of one of your core values is really good. I want to continue talking about the business, but more so from the marketing perspective of what you guys are doing at Teamtaylor. So maybe you can tell me, where do you acquire any of your clients? What sort of channels are you currently looking into? What are your growth strategies at the moment?

Charlotte: Well, I can speak for France, but a lot of things are similar in different countries. For us, of course, the website is going to have a big role, but we also work a lot with partnerships. When you’re a software company, often you’re integrated with many other companies. So partnerships are really important for us. From a marketing point of view, we also work with an ambassador who has his own podcast that we sponsor. He’s a really well-known recruiter in France, Leobit. We got a lot of traction because, when we first got to the French market, it was tough to gain awareness. Being able to rely on someone really helped. A lot of companies are turning to that, and that’s something we’ve been doing that’s working really well. Then, of course, events are really important to us. We do a lot of them in France, whether it’s fairs, sponsored events, or our own events. The first one we developed and the most important one to this day is called the Pink Hour. It’s an after-work event in Paris three times a year, where we gather recruiters to talk about one subject. Spoiler—the next one is going to be on AI in November, so we’re looking forward to it. To not only do events in Paris, we started doing the Pink Hour on Tour this year—more like a breakfast—going to main cities in France to meet recruiters. Not all companies are based in Paris, and we feel it’s good to get out of the city every once in a while.

Kevin Shirley: Pink Hour hits the road. I like to hear that. You mentioned your website a little bit back, and I want to focus on that a little bit in terms of client acquisition. Specifically for the French division of the company, maybe you can tell me what role the website plays in client acquisition? How does it help with any of your marketing strategies?

Charlotte: It’s one of our biggest tools for sure. You mentioned the way the website is made and the colors, and I feel like it offers a good vision of our value proposition. I like that it’s so visual that people don’t have to search for hours to understand what we’re doing, which is sometimes an issue in startups or tech companies. But I think any website is an ongoing project. Currently, we’re working on the SEO aspect, trying to enhance our content hub. We call it our content hub, where we have our podcasts, articles, eBooks, testimonials—we have so much valuable material that we need to highlight better.

Kevin Shirley: Okay. And staying on the topic of the website, oftentimes when we have marketers on the show, we talk about what sort of metrics we should be looking at. Whether it’s website metrics or marketing metrics, what sort of metrics do you think marketers should focus on? What do you guys focus on?

Charlotte: Well, we track quite a few. Of course, visits and conversions. We have a lot of calls to action, like “reserve your demo” buttons placed throughout. Since there isn’t a direct subscription to our service through the website, we track things like how much time people spend on pages, especially articles. We have CTAs at the end, but we’re also looking to see if people are really reading our content.

Kevin Shirley: So it looks like you’re measuring engagement rather than just leads or traffic?

Charlotte: Absolutely. We want to offer valuable content. Whether it’s our events or articles, we want people to leave with something useful, not feeling like they wasted their time.

Kevin Shirley: That’s always a great mindset to have.

Kevin Shirley: Moving on to the next question, I want to talk about the tools you use regularly. For marketing the French division of Teamtaylor, are there any tools or strategies you find particularly effective?

Charlotte: Definitely. One tool I absolutely love is Hotjar. It offers heat maps and behavior analytics for websites. As marketers, we’re so close to our products that we sometimes lose perspective. Hotjar lets us see where users drop off or engage, helping us identify what’s working and what’s not. It’s amazing for refining the user experience.

Kevin Shirley: Absolutely. Having that fresh perspective from tools like Hotjar makes a huge difference. Let’s switch gears and talk about you as a leader. What are some of the key tasks you focus on day to day as the marketing lead for France?

Charlotte: In France, I’m a one-person team for marketing, so my days are diverse. I work closely with marketing managers in other countries—we talk daily on Slack. Collaboration is crucial because we learn so much from each other. Right now, I’m focused on event management. For instance, in September, we organized or participated in eight events. It was intense but rewarding. I’m also in constant contact with the sales team, ensuring they have the materials they need. I spend time on Salesforce analyzing data, tracking event success, and strategizing ways to support sales further. Other tasks include creating content, managing social networks, and planning future strategies.

Kevin Shirley: That’s impressive, managing so many responsibilities. Let’s dive into some rapid-fire questions. Are you ready?

Charlotte: Ready!

Kevin Shirley: What’s the last book you read?

Charlotte: It’s a French book called Men Lack Courage. I found it inspiring.

Kevin Shirley: What’s one thing your company is focused on at the moment?

Charlotte: Data. For sure.

Kevin Shirley: If there were no boundaries in technology, what would you want fixed for your role as a marketer?

Charlotte: Perfect attribution. But to achieve that, we’d probably have to read minds, and that comes with its own challenges.

Kevin Shirley: What’s one repetitive task you’d automate?

Charlotte: Following up with people. Coordinating across departments can be exhausting when you have to keep reminding people.

Kevin Shirley: What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self as a marketer?

Charlotte: Don’t hesitate to speak up. Your input is valuable, even if you’re new or inexperienced.

Kevin Shirley: Great advice. Before we wrap up, if someone forgets everything about today’s interview, what’s the one thing they should remember about Teamtaylor?

Charlotte: Caring. If you want to work with a company that truly cares about people, check out Teamtaylor.

Kevin Shirley: Amazing. Thanks so much for joining us today, Charlotte. It was great having you on the show.

Charlotte: Thank you! I had a great time.

Kevin Shirley: Take care. Bye!

Charlotte: Bye!