Revolutionizing Healthcare: Unlocking Seamless Medical Imaging Data Flow | Andra Bria from Medicai



In our conversation with Andra Bria, Marketing Manager at Medicai, we explore the cutting-edge world of medical imaging data.

Imagine a future where accessing, retrieving, and sharing medical images becomes seamless—regardless of geographical location or existing systems. Medicai is at the forefront of this transformation, creating secure pathways for physicians and patients alike.

From overcoming CD-related delays to enabling care coordination, Medicai ensures that critical data flows effortlessly. Tune in to discover how data-driven healthcare is shaping the future, one image at a time.

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Ernesto Quezada: Pathmonk is the intelligent tool for website lead generation. With increasing online competition, over 98 percent of website visitors don’t convert. The ability to successfully show your value proposition and support visitors in the buying journey separates you from the competition online. Pathmonk qualifies and converts states on your website by figuring out where they are in the buying journey and influencing them in key decision moments with relevant micro experiences, like case studies, intro videos, and much more.

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We have Andra Bria from Medicai, Marketing Manager with them. How are you doing today, Andra?

Andra Bria: Thank you so much for the invitation. I’m doing great. Happy to be here.

Ernesto: Well, it’s great that we were able to connect, and I’m sure our listeners tuning in are wondering what Medicai is all about. So in your own words, can you tell us a little bit more?

Andra: Yeah, sure. Medicai is building an easier way to access, retrieve, and share medical imaging data in a secure and compliant way. We are creating digital pathways for this data to be available both to physicians and patients when they need it, at the point of care, and independent of the systems they are already using and working with, independent of the organization they’re working with, or the geographical location they are in. We’re basically building some communication channels for this data to flow seamlessly. You ideally want the provider not to specifically ask or spend a lot of time searching for this data but just have this data available instantly to them when they need it. This is true both for providers and for patients, and we’ll probably get into more detail about why this is important moving forward.

Ernesto: Okay, perfect. Awesome. So that way our listeners can get a good understanding of Medicai. What would you say is the key problem that you guys like to solve for your clients?

Andra: Yeah, thanks for this question. There are two aspects from a patient perspective and from a provider perspective. From a patient perspective, some of us can relate to the issue where you go to a provider, do a medical imaging exam like a CT scan or an MRI, and request for this data, you get a CD. When you get the data, you get a CD, which you then have to take to the second provider for the next stage of your care journey. This provider may be in the same town as you or not. You just take the CD and travel with it. If you can, you might download it on your computer and send it through WeTransfer or other means which are not really compliant. Not to mention that some of the devices that we use today don’t have CD readers. So you have this issue with medical imaging stored on CDs, which only creates delays and a poor experience.

From a provider perspective, this data inside of a hospital is stored in systems called PACS systems. These are usually available and open inside that location. If you’re a provider and want to collaborate with other providers outside your organization, it’s quite difficult with the existing systems. Even if these on-premise systems offer decent security, they only allow people inside the organization to access the data. This becomes a problem if you’re dealing with complex conditions that need multiple specialists to coordinate. These are some of the issues we’re trying to solve at Medicai. We want this data to flow seamlessly and be available so that any provider or patient, independent of their location or timing, can use it instantly.

Ernesto: Great. And who are your typical clients? I know you like working with oncology, neurology, breast imaging, and orthopedics. Is that your primary clientele, or are there others?

Andra: Exactly. We are growing in the U.S. market, mainly serving specialty care providers like neurology, orthopedics, cardiology, and oncology, who are extensive users of medical imaging data, crucial for complex conditions. We are also looking at providers seeing the benefits of data availability and care coordination. This segment is growing, not just in the U.S., but worldwide. We’re looking at accountable care organizations and health information exchange networks where care coordination and data availability are important.

Ernesto: How do your clients usually find out about Medicai? Is there a top client acquisition channel you use?

Andra: Thanks for this. We use multiple channels. Our first clients found out about us through technology forums, Slack groups, and Reddit channels. We’re also focused on growing organically by optimizing our website, enhancing our presence on Google, and identifying relevant searches and keywords. We’re doing small paid experiments on Google ads, but our main focus is organic growth. We also reach out to healthcare publications and people vocal on our topics to present our vision and solutions, and we actively reach out to providers and managers who might benefit from our solution.

Ernesto: Perfect. Great to hear. How does your website play a role in client acquisition?

Andra: It plays a major role. We are constantly improving our website, doing redesigns and content updates. We’ve done a major redesign last year and are currently doing another to reflect our learnings and ensure we use the right words and keywords for better visibility.

Ernesto: Let’s switch gears and talk about you as a leader. As the marketing manager at Medicai, what are some key tasks you focus on day-to-day?

Andra: Thanks. I do a mix of marketing actions depending on our focus at a given time. Currently, we’re focusing on a website redesign, involving a lot of content writing and design feedback. We’re also growing our PR efforts, reaching out to publications, blog authors, and publishers. Basic daily tasks include blog writing and social press. I enjoy talking to people about our work, understanding their challenges, and learning from these interactions.

Ernesto: Sounds like you have it handled well. Let’s move to our next section, the rapid-fire round. Are you ready?

Andra: Yeah, thank you.

Ernesto: What is the last book you read?

Andra: I’m finishing reading “The Patient Will See You Now” by Dr. Eric Topol. It’s about the digital revolution and its impact on healthcare, empowering patients with readily available health information.

Ernesto: Great. If there were no boundaries in technology, what is one thing you would fix for your role as a marketer?

Andra: Organizing tasks better, setting priorities, identifying gaps in communication or content. Anything that helps in better organization would be super welcome.

Ernesto: Good. If you could automate one repetitive task, what would it be?

Andra: Organizing tasks or working on the website. Specifically, improving outreach to publishers, as this takes a lot of time. Solutions for better outreach would be great.

Ernesto: Lastly, with all your experience, what advice would you give yourself if you were to restart your journey as a marketer?

Andra: Always measure your actions and results. Do sprints, measure, try new things, see what works, and repeat what’s successful. As a marketer, translating creative endeavors into data and measuring effectiveness is crucial. Also, stay updated with your industry’s trends and improvements.

Ernesto: Great advice. We’re coming to the end of our podcast. What’s one thing listeners should remember about your company?

Andra: The digital transformation in healthcare is about the availability of data in a secure way, wherever and whenever needed. It’s crucial for both providers and patients to have seamless access to this data.

Ernesto: Great. Listeners can check out Medicai at Thank you, Andra, for being on today’s episode. Looking forward to our next episode at Pathmonk Presents.

Andra: Thank you so much for this opportunity. Looking forward to connecting again. Listeners, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or email me at

Ernesto: Awesome. Thank you, everyone. Looking forward to our next episode.