‘Worry less, dance more.’ With Dance Motion Marketing there is a perfect opportunity to do just that. This new and expanding business has found a niche gap in the industry of marketing as they help dance businesses increase revenue with their expertise. Rather than dance businesses focusing on becoming full-time marketers, Dance Motion Marketing is there to simplify the process with digital targeting and add placement.
As they focus on marketing for their clients how do they expose their brand further for their own lead generation? We spoke to the co-founder Kristian Altuve, who offers insights into this niche market and their own processes as they adjust to this industry. With a highly specific target market Kristian has honed into their space to attract interested traffic and guide them to specific landing pages. As these landing pages match their prospects’ needs the clientele is expanding.
They are currently focused on lead collection and segmentation while working to clarify their messaging. Dance Motion Marketing is excelling in speed to creation by avoiding the need to outsource multiple vendors. With their focus on their clients and assisting with messaging Kristian is eager to clarify their value-add and offer palpable messaging guiding interested traffic to specific landing pages. So get your dancing shoes on and dance!